The closed Supertest is about to be graced by a visit of a heavy British gentleman, the A43 BP prototype.
It’s more widely known to players as the Black Prince, the big brother of Churchill (the tank not the Prime Minister).
The closed Supertest is about to be graced by a visit of a heavy British gentleman, the A43 BP prototype.
It’s more widely known to players as the Black Prince, the big brother of Churchill (the tank not the Prime Minister).
Today the VK 75.01 (K), a tier VIII Premium German heavy tank will enter the Supertest.
Gameplay-wise, it could be described as a tier-adjusted VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B. The VK 75.01 (K) has excellent side armor and a strong glacis plate with 180mm of nominal armor. The well-protected turret (250mm nominal armor in the front) utilizes a gun dealing an average of 490 damage per shot with 226mm of armor penetration with the standard round.
The VK 75.01 (K) is efficient at a close range, and sometimes at mid-range: this way, you can compensate for the not-so-stellar accuracy and aiming time of the gun. It’s a classic slow German heavy with a thick hide, so be careful when choosing a flank to push or defend. The VK 75.01 (K) has a decent turning rate, so running circles around it isn’t a universal go-to option for its adversaries. As for the German’s operator, the general tactic is rolling out of cover to deal damage (with enemies’ shots most likely ricocheting or being blocked by armor) and then rolling back into cover to reload. Add support from the allies to this simple play style, and you will win time after time!
The VK 75.01 (K) is manned by a crew of five: Commander, Gunner, Driver, Radio Operator, and a Loader.
http://cdn-frm-eu.wargaming.net/wot/eu/uploads/monthly_04_2019/post-501153788-0-40419500-1556543726.jpg Continue reading “Supertest News: VK 75.01 (K)”Very soon, the T-116 light tank will enter the Supertest. This Tier III Soviet is a fast and dynamic vehicle created for reconnaissance needs. It has great top speed of 60 km/h and a decent view range of 320 meters. Its 45-mm gun is enough to score penetrating hits against adversaries of the same tier.
Please take note that the stats of the vehicles undergoing the Supertest may change. Follow the news and good luck in every battle!
Good Luck and Good Hunting,
Greetings Tankers! The final Supertest stage for the Kharkov map is about to start. We’ve already made our choice regarding the exact prototype that will most likely see release.This is an enlarged (1000 x 1000 meters) version with the open area significantly reworked. The map has also been rotated by 45 degrees (relative to the previous variant), becoming vertical-aligned instead of diagonal-aligned. This creates well-pronounced flanks to suit different vehicle types.
• The city blocks and the central square: We tried to keep the familiar gameplay setup intact here. This zone is for heavily armoured vehicle clashes, and for races to take good positions in the square. Still, new elements are present too: embrasures, barricades, ‘balconies’ at block exits (accessible from one side), etc.
• The central part of the map is a new zone. It features an anti-tank moat by the city edge, craters formed by explosions, and small fields. The moat is to keep players from fast and unchecked crossing from this zone to the city and back. You may use the moat to encroach on the enemy base and to light up foes but be warned—it’s a dangerous route as you may face opponents head-on here with an overwhelming force. The central zone suits fast and manoeuvrable vehicles able of mobility-, camo and terrain-based play.
• The western part of the map is hilly, with a few destructible covered positions. It agrees well with mobile vehicles, and those able to snipe. Taking this zone means controlling almost the entire map, with an option to sneak up on the enemy from behind. During the coming Supertest we plan to make the final estimate of the new Kharkov’s playability and introduce some limited balance changes if needed. The following stage will deal with polishing the look of the map, and after that, we’ll hit the short and straight road to release.
Continue reading “Supertest News: Kharkov map”
Today we start the closed test of the TVP T 27: A Tier VIII Czechoslovakian Premium medium tank sporting an autoloader. Gameplay is like the top-tier vehicles of the same nation, but less powerful due to being lower-tier. The crew composition is the same as the top-tier one.
Continue reading “Supertest: TVP T 27”Today, a Premium Tier VIII US tank destroyer makes its debut in closed testing.
This is a well-protected machine designed for close quarters combat. And we mean it, it’s very, very well-protected—the frontal armor of the hull hits 260 millimeters! The weapon is fast-firing and hard-hitting—the DPM is more than 2800 hit points, with single-shot damage of 400 HP and basic shell penetration of 248 mm. As for the mobility, it’s the norm for a heavy machine with a max speed of 26 km/h.
The precision and speed of the shells do limit the effectiveness of the TS-5 over long distances, but it’s not terrible and, if needed, this American can get up close to deal with opponents. After all, this is a hard-shelled tank destroyer, which will feel right at home in defending a line of attack during the battle. It can also help bring out those “entrenched” enemies from their safe positions. Moreover, it can shake off shells from higher tiered opponents when played effectively, especially if you can hide the lower frontal plate, which is its biggest weak spot.
In summary, the TS-5 is a hard-shelled, but a slightly sluggish armored vehicle with a quick-firing, hard-hitting armament perfect for getting up close and brawling.
As always, depending on the test results, the characteristics may change. Follow the news and good luck in your battles!