VBAddict – Popular WOT Statistics website hacked

From – http://www.vbaddict.net/

Hello vBAddict users and fans of our World of Tanks statistics,

as you have noticed, the World of Tanks Replay and Statistics System from vBAddict.net was hacked a week and a half ago and unfortunately so bad that I can’t get the old system to work anymore. Since I ran the whole thing in my private free time, without a commercial background, I personally lack the money and the insight to pay any hackers 1 Bitcoint (that’s the equivalent of 5000 Euro).

Currently I’m in the process of completely reprogramming the existing system, more secure and up-to-date than the old one. This means that in the future replays can be uploaded and evaluated again, as well as the popular statistics, WN8 to tanks and other features can be found. However, this takes a little time.

I will keep you informed about the current status of the work here, but I assume that I won’t be able to start with a new version of vBAddict until the new year and ask for patience until then.

Best regards

Sonnenbrand / André
Admin of vBAddict

My opinion: This is unfortunate as the website was very useful for many things, including checking tank statistics, equipment, and other things.

Too bad – hopefully he can get it up and running again soon.

Data: Looking for some ideas for future articles

Hi folks,

I’m looking for some ideas for future data related articles. Obviously the data needs to be available, but I can analyze basically everything in a graph, chart, or anything of various types.

Some ideas are other things from Vbaddict, Wotcharts.Eu, Wotlabs, etc or other WOT websites.

If anyone has any ideas or wants to see something you can put in the comments or find me on TAP Discord as Motoko.

I GUESS I could do WOWS stuff, but I don’t play that game. Data is data though, so it doesn’t matter what it’s for.




Data: New Mission Reward Tank Population (EU)

Hi folks,

Some quick data from Wotcharts.eu regarding how many players have obtained the new reward tanks thus far. I’ll probably update once a month.

You can click the image to enlarge.

As you can see even the Excalibur does not have many owners even though EU has hundreds of thousands of players. It seems only the most dedicated/hardcore players have these tanks so far.


Data: Tier VIII Premium Tank Statistics

It’s that time again folks. The below chart is tier VIII premiums only. Keep in mind this data is based on basically average player skill. I used Win rate, average damage, spotting, Blk %, KPG, and Gross Income (credits) for metrics. I used data from VBAddict and averaged win rate, DPG, and KPG from both Wotcharts.Eu and Vbaddict to get a more accurate value. Each category is weighed the same amount and is percentile based so it’s measured relatively to other tanks (IE Defender gets 10 points in Win rate while Panther 88 gets 0 points for win rate). Preferential MM tanks are highlighted yellow and this data doesn’t reflect the recent buffs but they were minor so probably won’t change much, maybe 1-2 points etc. I removed some of the more rare tanks (For example IS-3A) so not every tier 8 prem is in this. I also removed all duplicate tanks except Defender/252U so people can just see how the data paints a consistent picture (since Defender/252U basically have same score, 2-3 points difference is negligible).

Obviously this chart is not perfect, but it doesn’t mean the chart isn’t useful.


Key Points:  Defender is OP, even WG admitted it, and it’s not surprising it’s at the top. The other tanks at the top are all great as well (T-44-100, Progetto, etc). Also the bottom of the list is no surprise; Panther 88, CDC, Patton KR, etc are all known to be awful. Keep in mind this is how AVERAGE players do in these tanks.

I’ll do tier 9s next. If anyone has any other data (I can manipulate any data, doesn’t have to be about tank performance) they’d like to see, let me know and we can discuss it (Sure, I’ll help you with your math homework too). I can be found on TAP discord.

Data: WoT Server Population (EU/NA)

Data collected from Wotcharts.eu over the last ~500 days (Began June 2017) contains peak number of WOT players for EU and NA servers, per day. I averaged this data by month for comparison purposes to see how the WOT population is doing since a lot of people are always talking about how “WOT is dead” or “WOT is dying” etc.

The data speaks for itself. Both servers are remaining pretty constant with their population peaks, with roughly only a 10% decline year over year for both servers. I added trend lines for reference to show the slight decline in population.

Overall, I think it’s safe to say the game is not “dead” by any stretch of the imagination.

Thanks to Dakado24 (Wotcharts.Eu) for the data and Seb for a lot of things.


Data: WoT Server Population (EU/NA)

Data collected from Wotcharts.eu over the last ~500 days (Began June 2017) contains peak number of WOT players for EU and NA servers, per day. I averaged this data by month for comparison purposes to see how the WOT population is doing since a lot of people are always talking about how “WOT is dead” or “WOT is dying” etc.

The data speaks for itself. Both servers are remaining pretty constant with their population peaks, with roughly only a 10% decline year over year for both servers. I added trend lines for reference to show the slight decline in population.

Overall, I think it’s safe to say the game is not “dead” by any stretch of the imagination.

Thanks to Dakado24 (Wotcharts.Eu) for the data and Seb for a lot of things.


Data: Tier 8 tech tree tank Performance


More statistical analysis based on data from VBaddict on Tier 8 tech tree tanks only (No prem tanks or special tanks  – I would only compare prem tanks to other prem tanks).

Do I think this list is 100% accurate to determine which tanks are good/bad? No, but it is a useful reference. No Italian or Polish tanks yet, sample sizes were too small and it’s mostly only the hardcore/very skilled players who have them, which skews the data.


Using data from VBaddict (categories shown below in table) I evaluated the tanks on a percentile basis, for example SU-101 is the highest percentile in win rate, thus would receive 10 points for their win rate. Some other tanks may also receive 10 points for their win rate, it depends on how close their win rate is in the distribution of win rates relative to the SU-101s. Basically what this means is that the scores are all relative to each other, which in my opinion is the best way to compare them mathematically. Maximum possible score is 91.5.

However, in this data iteration I assigned “weighted” values to each category based on my own opinion/logic. Some people will go crazy about this but oh well. I didn’t use any unicum opinion this time because it’s difficult to get their opinions. I do feel Unicum opinion is a useful piece of information.

For example, Tracking assisted is not as valuable as % of shots blocked, at least in my opinion. Mobility is as valuable as blocking % and Win rate, DMG, etc while kills/spotting/XP are slightly less important. The weighting doesn’t really change much overall in the scores, the same tanks are still at the top with some very subtle changes.

WR is Win rate, XP is XP/game, DMG is dmg/game, SPOT ASST is spotting/game, TRA ASST is Tracking assisted/game, BLK % is % of shots blocked, KPG is kills per game, MOBPT is an averaged value that considers top speed, reverse speed, and power/weight (Yes I know terrain resistance is very important, but I have no way to import the data automatically/easily).



No real surprises here in general. Nothing stands out to me as totally wrong, nobody will argue Tiger II or Kv-4 are good tanks. Sniping TDs scores suffer in general for the most part because they’re sitting red line while their team dies and not doing anything, thus their win rate, xp, damage, spotting, etc will all suffer.

Su-101 at the top, not surprising considering it’s a mini 268V4.

Again the colors pretty much tell the story.


Disclaimer: This may be the last data article I do, it takes a lot of work to do this (Several hours) and I have pretty much lost interest in WOT in general (I haven’t played in a month for many reasons).

We’ll see what happens. Thanks to those that helped out with this article.