World of Tanks – British light tanks GSR 3301 Setter & LHMTV

Hey, tankers!

Remember the four new British lights we were talking about the other day?

Today, you can meet two of them “in person” and in full detail.

The Tier VII GSR 3301 Setter


Moving up the tech tree, the new Brits grow in speed, power and danger, while keeping their size small and their camouflage effective. The LHMTV is no exception, boasting decent mobility (with a top speed of 63 km/h and a power-to-weight ratio of 33 hp/t) and an imposing 85-mm gun.

Moving onto firing characteristics: its rate of fire is 6 rounds per minute and its alpha — 230 points. You could say nothing to boast about, but it’s okay as the LHMTV has other things to boast about! Check it out: the armor penetration with a standard AP shell is 226 mm (which is outstanding for its tier) and a special APCR will pierce armor 258 mm thick.

Also consider this: the dispersion is 0.37 m at 100 m, while the aiming time is 2.2 s. Given its view range of 380 m, all these furnish a fine opportunity to deliver consistent damage. So, you’d better not miss the chance.

Just like other light Brits, the LHMTV can juggle two different playstyles. On the one hand, the viable mobility and small size allows it to excel at positional reconnaissance, while its superb gun makes it quite handy in a fire support role when not seen by the enemy. To succeed, however, you will need to show off your stealth skills and keep a close eye on the battlefield, thus tapping the full potential of the new Brits.