Short information from a WOT Express donators only article regarding the auction:
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Short information from a WOT Express donators only article regarding the auction:
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Doesn’t make sense.
First post says there will no auction until after Xmas then the second post says it will be in November…
The 2nd psot says there will be “Trade-in” event a.k.a. change your premium tanks for more valueable ones for half price.
Inagine new trade in system kpz 07, obj 780, lion trade vs mbt, lkpz 70 and obj 459 or this new t10 rocket chinese tank 😂😂😂
But honestly
Next year begin with aution for mbt and lkpz70 (or vz 55 reskin aka gothic warrior)?
Chinese rocket heavy looks like new cw reward
And this new russian heavy obj 459 maybee for new personal mission?
We have many special t10 not release yet
A trade-in? After so many people got trash from the lootboxes? Nowai!!1
Trade in never include recent tanks so is of little worth