Thanks to jacquesbsj
Turret travese: (In degrees per second, just divide 180 per those numbers and get the values in seconds like in game):
- Mutsuki stock from 6 to 7
- Fubuki, Akatsuki, Kagerou from 6 to 6.9
- Mogami 155 from 3.5 to 5 (Mogami is back!)
- Fubuki from 6 to 6.9
- Yuugumo, Shimakaze from 7 to 7.9
Other changes:
- Khabarosvk rudder shift changed from 8.025 to 14.5 (in game it says 11.1 seconds from 6.1 in 0.6.3)
- New Orleans base concealment from 12.42 to 11.82km
- König sigma from 2.0 to 1.8
- Kaga and Hood added
- Tons of changes to the “false Isokaze”, a disabled ship, not sure why, maybe a new tier 4 IJN premium DD?
And remember, those things are subject to change!