So, when will there be new maps in WoT?
In continuation of last night’s post about maps, we expect at least one new map (or a remastered one in HD) for random battles as part of the 2.0 update, and one more map for random battles in 2025. (Currently, there is more than 1 location for random battles).
But why haven’t the WoT developers released ANY new maps for random battles in 2 years?
There are two main reasons for this:
- The WOT 2.0 update. As many are already aware, some features are deliberately being held back until 2025 (to fill the 2.0 patch content), and maps are no exception.
- The Cold War (Project CW). About 3 years ago, map designers were tasked with creating locations and environments for the game Cold War (Project CW). A total of about 15 prototypes were drawn.
As a result, we end up with all the quirks with WoT maps that we’ve had in recent years.
There are no new maps because WG are a bunch of greedy twats who prefer creating more meaningless unrealistic tanks that bring money than maps that don’t.
Many old maps should be brought back.
Some where taken away on the basis that they were one sided yet those WG apes still don’t want to fix the “Mines ” one sided access to the central hill, meaning that for real they don’t give a shit about unbalanced map.
Others like Minsk (which was just redone) and Karkhov were supposedly removed because it’s the sensible matter of the Ukrainian war, yet players from Ukraine don’t seem to be much bothered by playing vs Russians players rather than defend their own country so again a maybe BS reason by WG.
Others that where not easy for the gameplay but when you see the shitty meta we play with currently they can review their old consideration.
Etc… etc…
Just by bringing back all the old maps would mean a better map rotation and even if some are weaker the ” supposed ” randomisation of the maps would mean 60+ maps with 2 sides so 120 possible options.
Enough to shut up any complains.
However this can only work if the randomisation works and since even that one is patheticaly broken currently, with 20 daily games for 44 maps and still having 3 times “safe heaven” 3 times a day in Prokhorovka 1 a week….
Hence WG didn’t give a flying shit about players opinion. 10 years we ask for better MM, 10 years we get more broken OP turd tanks.
WoT is dead and 2.0 won’t revive it
Regardless of these type of comments like one above trolling or not… if you enjoy Lesta World of Tanks then go OVER there…you not need post tehir non-sense over here
please quote the part where he talks about lesta
you cant?
then shut the fuck up fucking retarded dog
Even worse, so lazy they sell another Type 59 with a new skin…
People working on Project CW have nothing to do with WoT and they have never worked on WoT, Wot Express is talking bullshit as usual.
Do you have any sources for those claims? Because I am more likely to believe WoT express which has proven to be right with insider info fairly often over a span of many years (obviously with some of their leaks having been wrong, or in the case of game ending in 2025 being an outright mistranslation by armored patrol) than some bozo who can’t even provide a single source.
Wot Express is just Russian propaganda…
meanwhile in Lesta: releasing Stalingrad, Kamchatka, Kalinigrad, revamping Abbey, Artic Region, Himmeldorf, Minsk