K-91-2, Vipera, TL7 spotted on EU

thanks to ra1g for the emails. Seems like it was the player’s first battle with the K-91-2:

Vipera is also being tested on the EU server. Interestingly, he ran out of ammunition half way through the battle.


12 thoughts on “K-91-2, Vipera, TL7 spotted on EU

          1. What he means is that teh TL-7 photos are below a pharse that says “K-91-2:”

            So Sebastianul posted the K-91-2 photos, a Vipera chat message, a “K-91-2:” string and two TL-7 images.

            Seb, if you can change the “K-91-2:” string for a “TL-7:” one.

  1. The Vipera has 50pcs of ammunition. So the super tester must have brought less to the battle to run out half way through.

  2. 10 days ago I saw Vipera 2 battles in a row(different player) ….both spamming gold like its a marathon…..guess they needed a head start for 3marking them

    1. As a premium it can pay for its own gold ammo, and in general people don’t care anymore.

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