WoWS PT, balance changes

Please note that all information in the development blog is preliminary and subject to change during testing. Any showcased features may or may not end up on the main server.

We’ve changed the characteristics of several ships, having analyzed their combat performance and taken player feedback into account. Such changes were required to carefully adjust the balance of selected warships. We’ll continue to introduce changes in the updates that will follow, if deemed necessary.

III Valkyrie

  • Main battery reload time increased from 5.5 to 5.8 s.

II Weymouth

  • Main battery reload time increased from 8.9 to 9.2 s.

V Hawkins

  • Main battery reload time reduced from 13.0 to 12.6 s.

V New York

  • Main battery reload time reduced from 31.0 to 30.5 s.

VIII Ognevoi

  • “Defensive AA Fire” consumable moved to 5th slot;
  • Torpedo speed increased from 56 to 57 knots;
  • Number of “Engine Boost” and “Smoke Generator” consumables reduced from 3 to 2.

IX Udaloi

  • Stock torpedo module “53-49” was changed to module “53-49М”. Torpedo parameters were changed the following way:
    • Torpedo range increased from 6 to 8 km;
    • Torpedo speed reduced from 69 to 66 knots;
  • Researchable torpedo module “53-49M” was changed to module “53-49 mod.4”. Torpedo parameters were changed the following way:
    • Torpedo range increased from 8 to 10 km;
    • Torpedo speed reduced from 66 to 60 knots;
    • Maximum torpedo damage increased from 14 600 to 15 100;
    • Torpedo tubes reload time increased from 129 to 134 s;
  • “Defensive AA Fire” consumable moved to 5th slot;
  • Number of “Engine Boost” and “Smoke Generator” consumables reduced from 3 to 2.

X Grozovoi

  • “Defensive AA Fire” and “Engine Boost” consumables were swapped.
  • Maximum researchable torpedo damage increased from 14 600 to 15 100.

VIII Pyotr Bagration

  • “Hydroacoustic Search” consumable’s parameters were changed:
    • The range of assured acquisition of ships increased from 4 to 5 km;
    • The range of assured acquisition of ships increased from 3 to 3.5 km.

X Hakuryū

  • Maximum AP bomb damage of stock and researchable bombers reduced from 8500 to 8200.

V T-22

  • “Hydroacoustic Search” consumable’s action time increased from 60 to 70 s.

X Henri IV

  • Time for the ship’s engine to reach maximum power was slightly reduced. It will make the ship’s acceleration to maximum speed a bit faster.

X Kremlin

  • Continuous AA damage reduced from 413 to 395;
  • Number of shell explosions in a salvo reduced from 9 to 8.


  • Spotting range of all planes reduced from 16 to 15 km (This characteristic determines at what distance the aircraft is capable of spotting an enemy).

Source: WoWS Devblog