German aircraft carriers
The concept of German aircraft carriers employs AP rockets and bombs, and slow torpedoes with high damage. We adjusted the parameters of these ships based on internal testing results before launching tests on the main server.
- The parameters of the aiming circle and accuracy settings of attack aircraft were changed, and the height of their flight during the attack was reduced. Now it will become easier to conduct the next attack, however, the aiming cone will increase faster when moving;
- The HP pool of attack aircraft and bombers was increased.
For example, the HP pool of researchable attack aircraft of German Tier X aircraft carrier Manfred von Richthofen increased from 1,380 to 1,440, and of researchable bombers from 1,390 to 1,530; - Torpedo damage was increased.
For example, torpedo damage of researchable torpedo bombers of Manfred von Richthofen increased from 8,200 to 10,200; - The “Engine Cooling” consumable action time of torpedo bombers and bombers increased from 5 to 10 s; and the number of charges increased by 1.
- The “Repair” consumable became available for bombers of Tier VIII and X aircraft carriers August von Parseval and Manfred von Richthofen.
IX Riga
- HE and AP shell ballistics were changed: shells will lose speed faster when fired at long distances;
- AP shell armor penetration was reduced.
X Shikishima
- HE and AP shell ballistics were changed: shells will lose speed slower when fired at long distances;
- AP shell armor penetration remains almost the same as before changes.
We adjusted the parameters of these ships based on testing results.