8 thoughts on “World of Tanks – 1.8: New FV4202 Style: Four-Leaf Clover Pictures

  1. An Irish theme for a British tank? Interesting choice! An American vehicle would have been more fitting in my opinion but still, fun skin.

    1. “An American vehicle would have been more fitting in my opinion but still, fun skin.” Why? No part of Ireland has ever been part of America, unlike that point in history when it belogned to the British Empire.

      We don’t need more muricanisation of Saints’ days

      1. Except that the Irish were not exactly part of the Empire out of their own free will. I imagine quite a lot of them would actually resent to see a British tank decorated with an Irish theme.

    2. I don’t know if you know this but the Irish Guards made up part of The Guards Armoured Division which was created in ww2 so there is a reason it’s on a British tank and not an American one. That aside this skin is horrible and tasteless.

  2. Little green Hats WG? Really. Think its time to step back from the screen a little Devs. FacePalm.

  3. Ok, the hat and the pot of gold sell it. Also that lucky iron is right side up, so the luck doesn’t fall out XD

    lol i wonder if that gold costs extra…gold :p

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