World of Tanks Black Market – EBR 75 Auction Winning Bets

Quantity of Tanks: RU – 20.000, EU – 5.900;

Starting bid: 10.000;

Winning bids: RU – 13.001 Gold, NA- 13.500 Gold, EU – ~12.000 Gold.

9 thoughts on “World of Tanks Black Market – EBR 75 Auction Winning Bets

      1. Oh so they skipped it. I guess we know no Waffle G then. Object 777 maybe. Or 50 +25% free xp boosters. 12,500 gold starting bid

  1. Oh boy, I gave them 18.200 gold… NA server. Glad I got like 300k in the boxes, 160 left atm.

  2. You pay over 10k gold for a “tank” that was available for free, and is valued at 7k gold???? JEEEEEEEEEZ

    1. Yeah,they gave WG 12.500,13.000 gold (roughly 50-55€ worth of gold),because they had gold from Christmas lootboxes,forgetting that they spent a TON OF REAL MONEY buying those lootboxes.
      I guess spending about 200€ on lootboxes,doesnt count when it comes to getting a “free” (overpriced) premium tank on an “auction”after a couple of months🤨🧐😳😳

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