Storm Q&A – 2nd August 2015

-PvE is in process of being worked on;

-WoT Blitz devs will be asked to nerf the 88 mm L/56.

-I have no time to lecture players about the mechanics of the game, monetization etc (regarding whines about +1/-1 MM)

-The entire game is built by +2/-2 MM. If you do not understand, explain, because I am not able to.

-On Xbox the +1/-1 MM will not be implemented.

-The multithreading in the future is true, but do not wait for it to appear in the next patch.

-The M46 model was a victim of bureacucracy and constant rechecking. We will fix that too.

-The IS-7 will be fixed.

-What’s going on with the department of quality control? A: The department is all right, it sends you his greetings.

-I do not know yet the situation of Windows 10 support.

-Ghost shells are not that rare, they happen every 20-30 fights. We are working on them.