WoT: In-Game Server Replay Viewer

The last time this feature was mentioned was way back in 2019 (yes, six years ago) in developer Q&A sessions. Back then, many features were just beginning development, such as KillCam. And now, it’s finally time for Server Replays.

The feature is essentially ready, with only mass testing on live servers remaining. A file related to server replays has been in the game client for quite some time and was likely used for internal testing before. With Update 1.28, WoT has added functionality and text descriptions that reveal part of how it will work. While this feature will only be available to developers in 1.28, we can expect its full release in the near future!

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WoT EU: 2025 Assembly Shop Results | Day 3

All 100,000 DBV-152s were sold out in 2 days, 23 hours, 27 minutes, and 30 seconds. The hype surrounding it had an impact, and the tank itself is solid.

Remaining stock:

  • 0/50,000 with 3D style
  • 0/50,000 without 3D style

If not for technical issues, the TD would have sold out in at most 1.5 days.

WoT RU: Lišák v.2 In-Game Screenshots & Historical Reference

Lišák v.2 (Czechoslovakia, Tier-9, HT, promotional)

detailed stats

In the late 1950s, the Czechoslovak military formulated requirements for a new heavy tank that would be fundamentally different from all previously developed vehicles. According to the specifications, the new tank was to be equipped with extremely powerful armament consisting of a pair of guns. In addition to standard observation devices, the turret was also intended to house an optical rangefinder. The tank was to feature thick armor and a powerful engine.

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