Alienware is doing another big giveaway, this time it’s for even more goodies.
NOTE: To get the key, you’ll need to reach level 2, this is as easy as joining their forums and liking few posts, and the code is yours!
Last Friday afternoon, the almost final version of the Berlin map got released. Map name: 105_germany.
The map will be in the Random and Encounter map pool as well as for the special PvE event in 2020 (against bots). This PvE mode will be a continuation of the “Last Frontier”, which was released in 2019.
Continue reading “World of Tanks – New Berlin Map (PvE and Random battles!)”
• New unique French commander: Henri Vainqueur. Can keep him forever, only for French tanks.
The main goal of Henri’s tactical beard is to maintain crew morale and bring victory. The fashion characteristic of the submarine fleet reached the armored forces.
• Unique emblem “Tricolor”.
• Medal “Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood”.
• x5 XP missions.
•14 day rentals: Lorraine 40 t and ELC EVEN 90
• Premium account, equipment for tanks and more.
Source: WoTExpress