11 New flags added this patch.
Port Captain: – Commemorative Flag for reaching Rank 15 in Ranked Battles season 12
Paragraph: No fucking clue what this flag is for.
USS Benham: Flag for the upcoming T9 American Premium Destroyer
Bayard: Flag for the upcoming T8 French Premium Cruiser
Slava: Flag for the upcoming T10 Russian Premium Battleship
Yoshino: Flag for the upcoming T10 Japanese Premium Cruiser
Yuudachi: Flag for the upcoming T7 Japanese Premium Destroyer
Supertester: A New flag for supertesters. There is already 2 of them though, so I am not sure how this one is needed or being used.
Siroco: Flag for the upcoming T4 French Premium Destroyer
Georgia: Flag for the upcoming T9 American Premium Battleship
Kuznetsov: Flag that is attached to ships commanded by the new Admiral Nikolay Kuznetsov Commander.