WoT EU: First lot of the 2025 Winter Auction – “Phönix”


• Lot Tank: “Phönix” WT E 100
• Type: Price-reducing auction
• Price (Gold): Starting price: 100,000 gold
• Quantity: 3,000 pcs.

A variant of large-caliber anti-aircraft guns mounted on the E 100 chassis. 128 mm gun with a magazine loading system was planned for use. Project development was halted with the end of World War II.

20 thoughts on “WoT EU: First lot of the 2025 Winter Auction – “Phönix”

  1. like every auction tank DBV 152 V5 113BO MONKEY KING…. it will end up on bonds store anyway cause it’s trash like fv4005 FV183 foch 155.. look requirements between the rental battle of it, stats tells like FV4005 requirements its trash tank will end up bonds store anyway

  2. I cant believe people dropped 100K gold on this, you could of waited for the price to drop atleast xD

      1. I have 800K gold, if WG bans me i just do a massive chargeback from my Paypal and do a massive boycott to them, pal.

        I have inverted thousands and thousands of dollars and a chargeback of mine plus the boycott can make WG suspend operations from NA.

        1. Copy paste: The person above me is not the real “chesphendshil” who regularly comments.
          Some dork without a life is using my name and profile picture.

          Carrry on with your day.

  3. Nice, WG is now selling the tank they have stolen from m accounts years ago. There is only one word to describe this behaviour. This christmas has been the last time they have seen money from me … for 12 years I have sponsored this game with several thousand EIUR.

  4. lmao fucking clowns paying out 100k gold for a below mid tank
    enjoy the czech lights, fv tds, arties, corridor maps and other wonders this game can offer
    surely tier 10 is gonna be fun with the <2k dpg gamers

  5. In less than 4 minutes we have made them earn 900,000€ (300Ex3000), we deserve to have WG empty our bank accounts. Possibly next time they will put 8000 WF12 on sale at 100,000 gold pieces.

  6. So, they sell you the tank they removed from the game for a ridiculous price to suck out all the gold you got from buying lootboxes?
    What a move from WG =))))))))

    For those who have the gold to buy it, unfortunately, I have to tell you that you’re one of those who are contributing to the current freak show of the game.

    Keep giving money to WG while they’re barely doing anything to improve the game except making broken ass premium tanks.
    Yeah, that’s a big reason why we’re in this massive shit hole and will never be able to get out =)))))))

  7. You are SICK in the head to pay 100k gold for this, and yet 3000 of them went in 3mins. People are F’UCKING R’ETARDED!

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