WoT: Vehicle Rebalancing – Update 1.27.1 Takes Another Step

We continue to introduce balancing changes to vehicles, based on their performance statistics. Update 1.27.1 brings changes to branches of heavy tanks ending with:


The adjustments to these vehicles’ characteristics were guided by the same principles as before:

  • Empowering the underperformers and scaling back the overperformers without affecting the defining features of the latter
  • Streamlining module research
  • Making stock configurations more convenient to play

Let’s look at upper-tier tanks in every branch!

E 100 Branch

The E 100 now has better turret frontal armor and rotation speed; its 12.8 cm gun is more accurate and has better standard shell penetration. Its predecessors, the E 75 and the Tiger II, have also had their dispersion and aiming time improved, and the latter has lost its 10.5 cm gun.

Type 71 Branch

The Type 71 has been given a massive stats boost. It affects the top forward and reverse speed, frontal protection of the hull, and dispersion, which can now be brought down to 0.22 in the double aiming mode. Its forebears, the Type 68 and the Type 57, have had more of their stats improved, including aiming time and DPM.

M-V-Y (Yoh) Branch

The tanks of the Yoh family have had multiple parameters reviewed. Its top-tier members, the M-V-Y, the M-VI-Y, and the M-III-Y, now have (among other improvements) better gun handling, DPM, and shell penetration; the M-III-Y has lost its 90 mm gun. The gun of the top-tier tank now has 12° of depression (instead of 10°), promising more fun at the ridges.

60TP Branch

The treatment this branch received is not an overall nerf, as the 50TP Tyszkiewicza and the 53TP Markowskiego have had their dispersion, DPM, and aiming time improved (the latter has also had the penetration values of its 105 mm gun improved and its 122 mm gun removed). The overperforming top-tier tough guy, the 60TP Lewandowskiego, has had its DPM, HP pool, and accuracy slightly trimmed. At the same time, it has kept its good protection and the devastating 750 HP alpha strike—so it will still be a major trouble for its opponents.

Other Balancing Changes

  • You may have noticed above that three Tier VIIIs have lost their alternative guns. This is just a part of module research streamlining applied to the reviewed branches, including their lower levels. Many modules in these lines have been removed (for example, vehicles from Tier VI and up each have a single radio module), and a few modules have been added.
  • The addition of new modules, in turn, is part of making vehicle stock configurations more convenient to play by making them more competitive. The actual stat improvements vary depending on the vehicle, but the overall changes are meant to make progressing through tiers a more rewarding experience.
  • All of the above (streamlined module research paths, empowered stock configurations, and overall improved stats) has been applied to Tier V–VII tanks in the Maus branch, with the overall goal being the same as mentioned in the bullet above.

Try out the heavies with adjusted parameters, Commanders!

Roll Out!

20 thoughts on “WoT: Vehicle Rebalancing – Update 1.27.1 Takes Another Step

  1. so the tiger 2 gets to fuck around with 280 alpha in a tier where other heavies have 360, 390, 420, 440, 460, 490, and even 800 alpha huh, go ahead expose the flat fucking 200mm turret front every 6 secs, im sure it will work wonders where everyone has 210-250 base pen
    why did they even touch it? since the last time it was buffed it was a fucking dream, a really enjoyable 360 alpha gun, good dpm, good stats, naah we cant have fun in this godforsaken dogshit game.
    hope yall enjoy paying a fucking hopelessly lost company as this

      1. Did YOU read it?

        E 75 and the Tiger II, have also had their dispersion and aiming time improved, and the latter has lost its 10.5 cm gun.

        Tiger II has lost it’s 10.5 cm gun, if this is correct

          1. checked at tanks.gg, no way they would remove it unless they plan to make Tiger 2 prem with 10.5 cm.

          2. plus, already checked it though old post from wot website, they removed pre-top 10.5cm L/52. Basically streamlined Tiger II to save time and EXP. you CLEARLY need to READ, not me.

            1. If you look on the common test, the 225pen 360HP gun is still there and can be used with the original, non-flat faced turret.

              1. yes, that’s what im saying, and this Rhogath guy thought they removed the top 10.5cm(with 225pen) when its the pre top 10.5 cm(with 200pen) got removed. the same thing happened with 53tp

      2. those are lesta clowns that like pander to lesta bs….like of rest of comments without reviewing or cant even post a on-topic comment

        Wargaming going ahead and keep in control on their balance as it suppose too.

      3. yeah im sure it is me who should read first. the stock turret is the nr1-50 since only 50 were made with the porsche turret, after that tiger 2s were made with the henschel turrets, the ones with THE FLAT FUCKING TURRET FACE. shut your dumb ass up if you are clueless.

      1. This. The reload speed nerf is a bit painful but the tank keeps its combination of high alpha damage and good armor.

  2. What a waste of time. Wait 5+ years for EU tank rebalances and all we get is an extra 0.2 here and there. Like that’s going to make any fucking difference.

  3. Be nice if they actually fixed the weighed balance of the tanks and how they match up instead of just throwing tiers against each other.

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