WoT Supertest: BZ-74-1

Commanders! Get ready to test the BZ-74-1, a Chinese Tier VIII heavy tank making its debut on the Supertest.
The BZ-74-1 combines moderate armor with good mobility for a heavy tank, reaching a top speed of 50 km/h. Its 120 mm gun delivers high damage per shot (420 HP) but comes with mediocre DPM. With a reload time of 14 s, an aiming time of 2.7 s, and –9 degrees of depression, the gun is comfortable but requires careful positioning and timing to maximize its effectiveness.

This tank is built for dynamic gameplay, rewarding players who seize key positions early and navigate the battlefield to adapt to the flow of battle. Use its good mobility to outmaneuver slower vehicles and support allies with its powerful strikes.

13 thoughts on “WoT Supertest: BZ-74-1

  1. High alpha – check
    Idiotproof armor – check
    Mobility – check
    Gun depression – check
    Acceptable DPM – check

    yeah, right…

      1. I’d still call it high, considering it’s 223mm pen for a 120mm gun at tier 8 for a heavy.

        Yes similar to the BZ-166 and 53-TP, or premiums 259A and Nemesis in alpha and pen. Or 252U and Defender with 440 alpha/233mm pen. But these are outliers.
        The rest of tier 8 content follows a logical damage progression at tier 8 of: 122mm > 390 alpha and 120mm > 400 alpha. Even at tier 9 most 120mm’s only have 400 alpha damage.

        So yeah calling it high is legit.

  2. More like a Heavy Medium with good turret Armour nice mobility but low dpm for a Medium or a HT at T8, with a 0.36 dispersion at best and a long aim time of 2.4secs at best so not a dynamic action tank, view range is bad so no sniping just brawling press W key (then die lol ..
    – that 420alpha 223/270mm pen is good with -10 depression is nice (for a Chinese tank.

  3. WG OMG, why dont you make it tier 9 or 10 like on Lesta? Enough of tier 8 premiums, we are overfed with them… Just make it a credit sink or bond shop item…

    1. Agreed, at this point im surprised to see some tech tree tanks at tier 8 randoms, its usually atleast 10 premiums per team.

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