WoT 1.25 Common Test 1: List of Changes

source: wotexpress.info

List of changes

  1. New achievement system 2024 .
  2. Battle Pass: Season 14 (Summer).
  3. Event “Operation Overlord”.
  4. Onslaught: Pegasus 2023-2024 Season Recap.
  5. Frontline 2024: Fifth launch.
  6. New Arcade Cabinet launch.
  7. Customization.
  8. Corrections and improvements.
  9. Changes in equipment parameters.

The update will be released in early June 2024.

1. New achievement system 2024

Over the years, World of Tanks has accumulated a huge amount of content, making it difficult to keep track of your achievements and goals. The new achievement system, which is now available for testing, is designed to help players easily track their progress and set clear goals in the game. Giving a central role to technology, the main aspect of the game, this system groups achievements into different sections:

  1. vehicle type: takes into account all your vehicles – researchable, premium, reward and collectible;
  2. nation: tracks your progress in researching vehicles across in-game nations;
  3. appearance elements: keeps track of all your 2D/3D styles and progressive decals;
  4. trophies: a special category of achievements associated with vehicles obtained as part of famous game events, as rewards and for completing progressions that are no longer available.

Achievement Awards

Completing the “Equipment in Stock” achievement will unlock exclusive animated personal tokens. Each achievement point earned counts towards your overall score, allowing you to evaluate your successes and compare them with the achievements of other commanders.

2. Battle Pass: Season 14 (Summer)

– Added Season 14 of the Battle Pass.
The season will be dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings. The main progression will remain unchanged, but new final rewards will appear – instead of 3D styles for Tier 10 vehicles, there will be a Tier 6 premium tank with locked 3D styles:

  • M4A3(76)W Sherman
  • Transition tank
  • Churchill Crocodile

This is an experimental change that may not appear in BP Season 15.

3. New event “Operation Overlord”

A completely new PvE event “Operation Overlord” as part of the story mode. The event will also be dedicated to the Normandy landings. But now you will personally participate in the landing along with the bots. Rewards await you in the form of customization and medals.

  • Medal Veteran of Operation Overlord

Issued to players who complete all objectives of the “Operation Overlord” event.

Complete the story “Operation Overlord”

Veteran of Operation Overlord

4. Onslaught: results of the Pegasus season 2023-2024

For testing purposes, EU players will be able to select Onslaught Season Finale rewards for 2023-2024. Rewards will be available to players who have earned them – the progress on the main EU server recorded at the time of transfer of accounts to the General Test on April 30, 2024 at 23:00 (UTC +3) is taken as a basis. From upgraded equipment (including the new Experimental Scope) to the exclusive Hurricane tank, these are all rewards you can select and evaluate in battle. However, remember that the list of those who will receive rewards can still be adjusted: after additional verification, we will exclude those who used prohibited mods and violated the rules of the game.

5. Frontline 2024: Fifth launch

The new launch of “Frontline” is waiting for you this summer! This epic mode will be available again in the game and will feature the familiar rules of dynamic combat scenarios.

6. New Arcade launch

Summer launch of the arcade “Nocturnal Animals” with a new map of Fjords.

7. Customization

  • Added new 2D and 3D styles (11 pcs.):
  • 2D style “King of Dragons”.
  • 2D Rattlesnake style. [Event Operation Normandy]
  • 2D style “My mistake”. [Event Operation Normandy]
  • 2D style “Winner”.
  • 2D style “Across the Strait”. [BP14]
  • 2D style “Transatlantic”. [BP14]
  • 2D style “Free France”. [BP14]
  • 2D style “Earth, sky, sea”. [BP14]

Added separate Large decals in the form of emoji (10 pcs.):

  • Index finger pointing at viewer
  • Hand pointing left
  • Smiling face with horns
  • Mouse face
  • Smiling face
  • Shrug
  • Moai
  • Man with folded hands
  • Eyes
  • Smiling face in sunglasses

You can watch it here: link .

8. Fixes and improvements

– Fixed a bug due to which the “last moment” functionality displayed incorrect trajectories of projectiles that destroy players’ vehicles.

9. Changes in equipment parameters


M4A3(76)W Sherman


ARL 44
* The armor of the ARL 44 turret has been changed from 40 to 30 mm (the armor in the area where the spare tracks are attached has been reduced)

Char de transition

Great Britain:

Churchill VII
* Churchill VII turret armor changed from 115 to 95 mm (armor in the area of ​​fastening spare tracks on the sides was reduced)
* Hull armor was changed from 115 to 95 mm (armor in the area of ​​fastening spare tracks on the sides was reduced)

Churchill Crocodile
  • The Crusher (Great Britain, Tier-8, HT, premium) has been added for testing by supertesters .
  • Czechoslovakia:
  • A machine has been added for testing by supertesters: Vz. 58 Medvěd (Czech, Tier-9, HT, Premium, mechanics: drum for 4 shells)
Vz. 58 Medvěd

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