WoT 1.25 Common Test: Crusher In-Game Screenshots & Historical Reference

Crusher (Great Britain, Tier-8, HT, premium)The vehicle is conceptually close to assault tanks. One of the ideas incorporated into the Crusher project was to reduce the weight by shortening the hull. Moving the suspension and front support rollers forward allowed to reduce the hull size and improve the armor.

Another feature was the placement of the crew in the turret. This allowed to further reduce the length of the hull but it caused some problems with visibility. However, by that time, infantry tanks were no longer relevant: work was stopped at the design stage, only a wooden prototype had been built.

Crusher is a British heavy tank where the main thing is armor and weapons. The unique design and modified layout added mass and height to it, leading to serious mobility issues. Still, the combination of the fast-firing 55-pdr Gun and thick armor plates makes it a formidable opponent.

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