WoT Auction 2024 – Day 3: Minimum Bid for ISU-122-2 in EU/NA/ASIA Regions

The minimum bid for the ISU-122-2 auction lot in the EU region amounted to approximately 9,105 Gold.

The minimum bid for the ISU-122-2 auction lot in the NA region amounted to approximately 9,002 Gold.

The minimum bid for the ISU-122-2 auction lot in the ASIA region amounted to approximately ~180,000 Free Exp.

4 thoughts on “WoT Auction 2024 – Day 3: Minimum Bid for ISU-122-2 in EU/NA/ASIA Regions

  1. 3/5 tanks now seem to barely sell out! A proof that WG failed in the FOMO this year (no idea how). Only EU players spent shit ton of credits on T-22 medium, thinking it’s Obj. 907!

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