WoT 1.23.1 Common Test: Object 701 In-Game Screenshots & Historical Reference

Object 701 (USSR, HT, Tier-8, Premium)

Historical Reference
The tank was developed from July 1943 through 1944 on the initiative of the construction bureau of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant. The first prototype of the Object 701 (#0) was built in April 1944. It underwent running trials, which
revealed a number of disadvantages in the vehicle’s design. From May through June 1944, another two prototypes were built (#1 and #2). In July and August of the same year, the vehicles underwent field trials, but were eventually dismantled in September. Later, their hulls and turrets were used in the construction of prototypes #5 and #6.

4 thoughts on “WoT 1.23.1 Common Test: Object 701 In-Game Screenshots & Historical Reference

  1. how many more soviet tier 8 heavy premiums WG intend to add why they think we need another soviet heavy tank

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