WoT 1.23.1 Common Test: TT-130M In-Game Screenshots & Historical Reference

TT-130M (Czechoslovakia, Tier-9, HT, premium, mechanics: rocket boosters)

Historical Reference
One of the deep modernizations of the T-56 heavy tank. The tank design was to involve innovative solutions aimed at increasing the vehicle’s survivability and crossing capacity. The vehicle was supposed to incorporate equivalents of Soviet and Chinese designs, information about which was obtained from various sources. However, the vehicle project was canceled due to the development of a separate main battle tank class.

4 thoughts on “WoT 1.23.1 Common Test: TT-130M In-Game Screenshots & Historical Reference

  1. “…Soviet and Chinese designs, information about which was obtained from **various sources**.”
    This had me laughing for quite some time! Now WG are not even putting the effort to think of a reasonable *historical* reference! Still, I don’t mind this tank at all, I think it’d be a nice addition to the game as it is now.

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