WoT 1.23.1 Common Test: “Urgent Delivery” 3D Style for Bat.-Châtillon Bourrasque

Express delivery –
“Teddy, you’re wearing a machine gun. And don’t forget the box with cartridges, otherwise we’ll fight back with candy, like last time. Umka! Why did you get into the gun? The tank is just from the factory, there is no need to lubricate anything. Especially with honey. Holy panda, when will these bears come to their senses. Where’s Paddy? He should have arrived at the station two hours ago, but for some reason I don’t see him. Remind me to contact Mrs. Brown about this hairy disaster. Hey Vinny, if you’re so afraid of bees, why did you bring so many flowers? I know it’s a holiday, but it was possible to think through the escape routes in advance. We are already quite big, and if we swell further from the bites, I will definitely crush you into a medvenant. So, I’ll give you ten minutes to make all the preparations, and we’ll leave. This year we need to deliver one hundred and sixty million Valentines, and we will do it! Fast, high quality and… with love.”

Unhistorical. Group: Special. Those. price: 3000 gold. Maximum per account: 1. Only for tank: Bat.-Châtillon Bourrasque. ID: 769.

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