Update 1.11.1: XP cost of researching the new Italian line

The amount of XP needed to research the new Italian HT line, with only the necessary modules:

  • Carro d’assalto P.88 = 57,750 https://i0.wp.com/gamemodels3d.com/games/worldoftanks/images/icon_experience.png?w=656&ssl=1 (experience can be collected on the P.43 bis)
  • Progetto CC55 mod. 54 = 87,200 / 177,450 https://i0.wp.com/gamemodels3d.com/games/worldoftanks/images/icon_experience.png?w=656&ssl=1
  • Progetto C50 mod. 66 = 150,190 / 352,640 https://i0.wp.com/gamemodels3d.com/games/worldoftanks/images/icon_experience.png?w=656&ssl=1
  • Rinoceronte = 209,860 / 649,500 https://i0.wp.com/gamemodels3d.com/games/worldoftanks/images/icon_experience.png?w=656&ssl=1

Vehicle XP cost / vehicle XP cost with the necessary modules.

5 thoughts on “Update 1.11.1: XP cost of researching the new Italian line

  1. Hi, pls could u show some photos of each tank to know XP cost of modules? Remember that we could only spend free exp un modules and research tank with blueprints.

  2. Its weird, the nations, with many tanks have modules, what they share between tanks, but nations with few tanks, they research for every tank with only own module.

  3. They visually look like tanks but we think will play like total trash cans.

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