WoWS News – 26th March 2020

ST, changes to test ships

Please note that all information in the development blog is preliminary and subject to change during testing. Showcased features may or may not end up on the main server. Any final information will be published on our game’s website.

New Soviet Tier IX battleship Zarya Svobody was added to the game for testing. This ship is based on the Soviet battleship Sovetsky Soyuz. At the moment, the concept of the ship involves the following changes:

Zarya Svobody will have the accuracy settings standard for tier IX battleships, the AA defense parameters and model of S. Soyuz (A) hull and Hit Points and maneuverability of S. Soyuz (B) hull.

  • Accuracy settings for the main caliber guns are adjusted to the standard settings for tier IX battleships.
  • Sigma parameter increased from 1.7 to 1.9.

Japanese battleship Asama, Tier VIII:

  • Main battery reload time increased from 30 to 33 s;
  • Sigma parameter increased from 1.8 to 1.9.

Increasd main battery reload time and accuracy upgrade will emphasize the difference between Asama and her prototype – Japanese Tier VIII battleship Amagi.

PT, European destroyers’ torpedoes and balance changes

The base torpedo modules of Tier V-IX researchable European destroyers will become researchable. The new base torpedo module parameters for each ship will be equal to those of the researchable torpedo module of the previous tier destroyer.

In case you already have one of these European destroyers in Port, the researchable torpedo module will already be mounted on the ship, and the base module will be moved to the Inventory.

This change will make the advancement of European destroyers’ torpedoes consecutive, like with other nations’ torpedo destroyers.

In the second stage of the Public test for Update 0.9.3, we’ve changed the characteristics of several ships, having analyzed their combat performance and taken player feedback into account. Such changes were required in order to carefully adjust the balance of selected warships. We’ll continue to introduce changes in the updates that will follow, if deemed necessary.

Soviet cruiser Aurora, Tier III:

  • Turret traverse speed increased from 5.1 to 5.3 degrees per second.

British destroyer Valkyrie, Tier III:

  • Main battery reload time increased from 5.2 to 5.4 s;
  • Torpedo tubes reload time increased from 43 to 45 s.

British battleship Orion, Tier IV:

  • Base main battery firing range reduced from 14.7 to 14.4 km.

British cruiser Hawkins, Tier V:

  • Main battery reload time reduced from 14 to 13.5 s;
  • Turret firing angles were increased:
    • Of the first turret by 32 degrees (for short ranges);
    • Of the second turret by 2 degrees;
    • Of the third and fourth turrets by 5 degrees;
    • Of the sixth turret by 36 degrees (for long ranges);

American cruiser Atlanta, Tier VII:

  • Main battery reload time reduced from 4.9 to 4.8 s.

British destroyer Jutland, Tier IX:

  • Main battery reload time increased from 4.1 to 4.2 s;
  • Torpedo tubes reload time increased from 122 to 124 s.

British destroyer Daring, Tier X:

  • Main battery reload time increased from 2.6 to 2.7 s;
  • Torpedo tubes reload time increased from 122 to 124 s.

Japanese aircraft carrier Hakuryu, Tier X:

  • Maximum rocket damage reduced from 3,250 to 3,150;
  • Chance of a rocket causing fire reduced from 15 to 14%.

French cruiser Colbert, Tier X:

  • Main battery reload time reduced from 3.5 to 3.4 s;
  • Restoration of hit points by Repair party consumable increased from 0.5% to 0.66% of total hit points per second.

Soviet battleship Kremlin, Tier X:

  • Continuous AA damage reduced from 433 to 412;
  • Number of explosions in a salvo reduced from 10 to 9;
  • Damage by shell explosions reduced from 1820 to 1750

American cruiser Pensacola, Tier VI:

  • Fore- and aft-end armor plating increased from 16 to 25 mm.

American cruiser New Orleans, Tier VII:

  • Fore- and aft-end armor plating increased from 16 to 25 mm.

German cruiser Yorck, Tier VII:

  • Fore- and aft-end armor plating increased from 16 to 25 mm.


  • Spotting range of all planes reduced from 18 to 17 km (This characteristic determines at what distance the aircraft is capable of spotting an enemy).