World of Tanks – Patch 1.6 – removal of team damage

Here are the first patch details for patch 1.6. General test is scheduled for tomorrow. This patch will have very serious changes and will release strictly as promised: July – August. In our personal opinion, team damag does not need to be turned off in the random battles, but we know that there are many agreeing with the disabling of team damage. Patch 1.6 will be released in August.

– Update 1.6: disable damage to allies in random battles.

• Team damage is turned off  in all random battles.
• Where does team damage remain: All clan battles [global map, fortified areas], Tournament fights, Training fights.
It is difficult to imagine a sad situation in the game than when a shell from an ally arrives in a battle in your tank. Often this happens by chance.

Sometimes a tanker inadvertently sends a projectile into a teammate’s tank. Or does it intentionally for some reason only known to him. It’s a shame that allies suffer from this, which could benefit the team.

Outdated mechanics.

Team killing is a game mechanic that has long existed in World of Tanks. Its main task was to immerse the tankers with the atmosphere of the game. But over time, the negative aspects of this mechanics, such as the domino effect – the exchange of shots between the allies. The result was a ban and fines, but the game is not about that.

To make the gameplay more comfortable, we decided to rework the damage system, eliminating the damage of shooting and ramming the allies.

HE damage will not be?
Remember how unpleasant it was at the beginning of the battle for an light tank to ram a heavy tank and take damage? Now it is excluded, even if the ally decides to ram you intentionally during the battle. Another typical situation in a duel with a Borsig was an ally hitting the gun during a shot, making you possibly lose the duel.

When hit by an ally, only a trace of non-penetration or rebound will remain. It will be possible to recognize friendly fire by alternative dubbing and visualization, different from effects when hit by enemy projectiles.

And if your arty will cover you?

To get under the fire of your own artillery is unpleasant. With the new mechanics arty will not be able to cause damage to the allies, but at the same time, the probability of stunning the teammate will remain.
After all, if you completely remove any impact from the artillery, it will be able with impunity to send a projectile into a cluster of allies and opponents, thereby greatly influencing the outcome of the battle.
The situation in which the damage to the Allied arty can be done by blocking arty’s barrel with your own tank barrel is also disabled. Now, if the high-explosive fragmentation projectile crosses the team-mate’s cannon, it will simply fly through.

Will it be impossible to kill an ally?

You can still get the blue nickname in the game, but this is an extreme case. For example, deliberately or inadvertently push an ally from a high ground, causing him to take damage, drown or be destroyed. The same goes for an allied machine coup. Artillery will also be able to receive the status of “Teamkiller” if it constantly stuns the allies.
A player who has received the status of “Teamkiller”, loses protection from allied damage. Teammates will be able to destroy his car without any penalties. However, it should not be forgotten that killing an ally weakens the team.

** We will make the appropriate changes to the rules of the game. They will take effect after the release of version 1.6.