Supertest: Hotchkiss EBR

Greetings Tankers, 

Rolling onto the Supertest today is the French tier VII wheeled armoured car, the Hotchkiss EBR. We’re going to assess the statistical balance and continue battle-testing the new game mechanics. When we’re through, we’ll decide on the release set of game mechanics and the finalization of the entire wheeled vehicle mini-branch.

The Hotchkiss EBR is a ‘transitional’ vehicle introducing the players to the peculiar gameplay of top-tier wheeled armoured cars. It lacks the two driving modes like them, but it does have the Charge ability and the special lock-on feature. It also has an auto-reloading 75-mm gun. The dynamics and manoeuvrability of the Hotchkiss EBR are lower than those of the tier VIII–X vehicles. Additionally, the absence of the Drive (fast) results in a lesser top speed.

Depending on test results, the stats of the Hotchkiss EBR may change. Follow the news and all the luck in your battles!


Good hunting!