World of Warships: Update 0.6.0

0.6.0 Update Notes

The update happens January 18; preparation begins at 02:00 PT/ 05:00 ET until 04:00 PT/ 07:00 ET. (May be subject to change.)

Elite XP for Commanders and New Skills

What is Elite XP?

Right now, every Commander has a maximum XP value. No Commander in the game can earn more XP than the amount of XP needed to earn 19 Skill Points.

To become an Elite Commander, the Commander must earn the maximum amount of XP — enough to earn 19 Skill Points. All XP earned over that value becomes Elite Commander XP.

Elite XP is a new type of in-game currency. Elite XP does not accumulate on any single Commander but is stored in a common pool of Elite Commander XP on your account.

Using Elite Commander XP and Free XP

Elite XP can be:

  • Applied to any non-Elite Commander to open a new level of Skills, or to get additional Skill Points free of charge
  • Used to retrain any non-Elite Commander moved to a different ship (instead of doing the same with Doubloons)
  • Used to reset all mastered Skills at no cost (players will now be able to choose whether to reset Commander Skills using Doubloons or Elite XP)
  • Converted into Free XP for Doubloons

How to Spend Free XP on Commanders

Free XP can be used in the same way as Elite Commander XP. After all Elite Commander XP is spent, Free XP:

  • Can be spent on promoting any Commander (that hasn’t reached the highest rank) to the next rank and increasing their number of Skill points.
  • Can be used to retrain a Commander, when assigned to a different ship, to 100% (instead of retraining this Commander with Doubloons.)
  • Can be spent on resetting all Skills mastered by a Commander (players will now be able to choose whether to reset Commander Skills with Doubloons or by spending Elite Commander XP/Free XP) — the cost of redistributing Skills is 10,000 Elite Commander XP multiplied by the number of Skill points spent on mastering Skills.

Elite Commander XP and Free XP can be spent together, like the way Ship XP and Free XP are spent on researching ships and ship modules.

When Elite Commander XP and Free XP are spent, the following rules apply:

  • To retrain a Commander, promote them to a new rank, or reset Commander Skills, the available Elite Commander XP and/or Free XP should be sufficient to fully complete such an operation (for example, to retrain a Commander to 100%). Otherwise, the operation will not be successfully completed.
  • When an operation can be completed, Elite Commander XP is spent first, and Free XP is used only if there is not enough Elite Commander XP available.
  • When training/retraining a Commander, the total amount of Elite Commander XP and Free XP spent is equal to the amount of the Commander’s own XP (Commander XP) required to train this Commander to a 100% level or earn the next Skill point.
  • The total amount of Elite Commander XP and Free XP required to reset Commander Skills equals the amount required for such resetting.

For example:

A Commander with 7 Skill Points is assigned from one researchable ship to another researchable ship and has just reached their current rank, but without enough Commander XP to reach the next rank. When they’re retrained for another ship, the amount of “penalty” XP (required to retrain this Commander to 100%) is 10,000. Accelerating retraining by 50% is made with Credits. Consequently, 5,000 more XP is required to train this Commander to 100%. The player decides to further speed up the retraining process and get a 100% trained Commander using Elite Commander XP and Free XP.

There is 8,000 Elite Commander XP and 40,000 Free XP available on the player’s account. To speed up the retraining process, the player must spend exactly 5,000 Elite Commander XP to have a Commander retrained to 100%. However, the player also chooses to promote this Commander to the maximum attainable rank by using all kinds of available XP. However, the player also chooses to promote this Commander to the maximum attainable rank by using all kinds of available XP.

The “cost” of the next Commander rank is 30,000 XP. To reach it, it’s 3,000 Elite Commander XP (the entire remaining amount of Elite Commander XP) + 27,000 Free XP. After that, 41,000 XP is required to reach the next rank. Under our scenario, the player will not be able to promote this Commander to the next rank, because they have zero Elite Commander XP available and only 13,000 Free XP left on their account.

Conversion of Elite Commander XP to Free XP

Elite Commander XP can be converted to “ordinary” Free XP using the same rules as the rules for conversion of the accumulated Ship XP.

The conversion cost will be the same as the conversion cost of Ship XP into Free XP (25 XP for 1 Doubloon).

Free XP cannot be converted back to Elite Commander XP. But, “ordinary” Free XP can now be directly spent for the same purposes as Elite Commander XP.

Access to Operations Involving Elite Commander XP

Elite Commander XP and Free XP become available for leveling up Commanders at the 7th level of the Service Record, where the Commanders feature itself becomes available.

However, Elite Commander XP can be spent only after it’s been earned. Unlike Elite Commander XP, Free XP is already accessible to players before the Commanders feature is unlocked. Because of this, Free XP can be spent as described above before any Elite Commander XP has been earned.

New Commander Skills

The top Skill level is now Level 4, while all Skills in the game are subdivided into four groups.

As stated below the new Skills Table, after0.6.0, all Commander Skills will be reset free of charge.



Skill Name

Description / Changes



Priority Target
(New Skill)
After this Skill is mastered, the Situation Awareness (“DETECTED”) indicator will show the number of opponents on the enemy team that are currently aiming at the ship with main battery guns.
Will not work during retraining.


Preventive Maintenance
Moved from Level 5 to Level 1.
Its bonus was changed from -50% to -30% to the risk of incapacitation of modules.


High Alert
Moved from Level 3 to Level 2.


Jack of All Trades
Moved from Level 5 to Level 2. Its bonus was changed from -15% to -5% to reload time of all mounted consumables.
-5% to reload time of all mounted consumables
During retraining, a 50% penalty is applied to the effect of this Skill.


Basics of Survivability
Moved from Level 1 to Level 3.


Survivability Expert
Moved to Level 3.
The bonus increase in HP for each ship tier was reduced from 400 HP to 350 HP.


Manual Fire Control for Secondary Armament
Moved from Level 5 to Level 4.


Fire Prevention
Moved from Level 2 to Level 4.
Its bonus, (reduces the risk of fire) was increased from -7% to -10% to the risk of fire.
A bonus was added to this Skill that reduces the maximum number of fire sources on a ship to three by combining the two fire sources that are closest to the ship’s center into a single fire source.



Expert Loader
Now works when there are incapacitated/destroyed main turrets on the player’s ship.


Aircraft Servicing Expert
Moved from Level 4 to Level 1.


Expert Rear Gunner
No changes.


Torpedo Acceleration
Moved from Level 3 to Level 2.


Torpedo Armament Expertise
Moved from Level 2 to Level 3.


Emergency Takeoff
(New Skill)
Makes it possible to launch and recover the aircraft while the ship is on fire.
However, a 100% penalty will be applied to aircraft servicing time when the carrier is on fire.
Will not work during Commander retraining.


Inertia Fuse for HE Shells
(New Skill)
Increases the armor penetration capacity of HE shells fired from both main and secondary battery guns, at the expense of decreasing the probability of setting the enemy ship on fire.
-3% to chance of fire on target caused by HE shells
+25% to the armor penetration capacity of HE shells
During Commander retraining, a 50% penalty is applied to the effect of this Skill.


Air Supremacy
Moved from Level 5 to Level 4.



Direction Center for Catapult Aircraft
(New Skill)
When the Catapult Fighter or Spotting Aircraft consumable is activated, an additional aircraft is launched. But the airspeed of catapult-launched aircraft is decreased.
+1 Catapult Fighter
+1 Spotting Aircraft
-20% to the speed of catapult aircraft
This Skill will not work during Commander retraining.


Dogfighting Expert
Moved from Level 3 to Level 1.
Added a bonus: +10% to ammunition count of fighters.


Smoke Screen Expert
(New Skill)
This will increase the smoke screen area.
+20% to the radius of the smoke screen
Will not work during Commander retraining.


Expert Rear Gunner
Moved from Level 1 to Level 2.


Basic Firing Training
Moved from Level 1 to Level 3.
Its bonus was changed from +10% to +20% to effectiveness of AA defenses.


No changes.


Advanced Firing Training
No changes.


Manual Fire Control for AA Armament
No changes.



Incoming Fire Alert
Moved from Level 2 to Level 1.


Evasive Maneuver
(New Skill)
Decreases the airspeed of strike aircraft, but also reduces their detectability and increases their HP when returning to the carrier
-30% to airspeed of strike aircraft when returning to the carrier
-20% to detectability of strike aircraft when returning to the carrier
+75% to HP of strike aircraft when returning to the carrier
Will not work during Commander retraining.


Adrenaline Rush
(New Skill)
Increases reload speed of all armaments as the ship’s HP decreases.
-0.1% to reload time of all types of armament for each 1% of HP lost
Will not work during Commander retraining.


Last Stand
No changes.


Demolition Expert
Moved from Level 4 to Level 3.
The chance of starting a fire on a target was changed from 3% to 2%. This Skill will now also affect secondary armament.


Its bonus will also be applied while the “Hydroacoustic Search” consumable is being used.


Radio Location
(New Skill)

After this Skill is mastered, the player will see an indicator on the battle HUD pointing in the approximate direction of the nearest (unspotted) enemy ship. The enemy player will be alerted that a bearing was taken on their ship.
Will not work if a player is playing on an aircraft carrier.
Will not work during Commander retraining.
The fact that a bearing was taken on their ship will be communicated to the enemy player using the “LOCATED” indicator, similarly to the “DETECTED” indicator (displayed when the player’s ship was detected by an enemy ship, aircraft or with the use of an active consumable by a player on the enemy team).


Concealment Expert
Moved from Level 5 to Level 4.

Commander Skill Change Compensation

Update 0.6.0 changes the Commander system:

  • Revamping the Skill Tree
  • Modifying the progression of Commander leveling
  • Adding a much-requested mechanic allowing the use of extra Commander XP

Any changes — especially changes as extensive as these — can be a tricky to get used to. We want to make the transition more comfortable, so we’ve decided to convert the Skills for all Commanders back to Skill Points. In addition, we plan to slash the costs of resetting Commander Skills for a period, and you’ll be able to complete missions to earn the small number of Doubloons to cover the discounted price.

We want to give you every opportunity to try out new build options available in the revised Skill Tree and should help mitigate potential mistakes you might make while trying out new Skills for the Commanders until you find a build you love. We hope you enjoy the changes we’re making and, as always, we look forward to hearing the feedback!

New XP Scale for Commanders

New Commander Skill Point Table

In addition to the Commander skill overhaul and Elite Commander XP, the amounts of XP required for reaching a new rank changed. Now it will be slightly harder to level up the Commander at the initial stage. But it will now be simpler to reach high Commander ranks! Before Update 0.6.0, players had to earn a total of 1,540,000 XP to reach the 18th skill point. After the update, only 1,408,000 XP is required. Moreover, we changed the amount of XP required to progress from the 18th to the 19th skill point. Before Update 0.6.0, this amount was equal to 10,000,000 XP. After the update, only 300,000 XP is required for this.

The general principle of the changes is that Commanders will not lose any ranks or any skill points. Moreover, if a Commander reaches the highest rank after the XP scale is changed, all the remaining Commander XP of this Commander will be automatically transferred to the common pool of Elite Commander XP, available for spending on any Commander.

  • If, before the release of Update 0.6.0, a Commander had 16 skill points and up to and including 224,100 points of Commander XP accumulated for reaching the next skill point, then, after 0.6.0, this Commander will receive the same number of skill points and the same amount of Commander XP accumulated for reaching the next skill point.
  • If, before the release of Update 0.6.0, a Commander had 16 or more skill points and over 224,100 points of Commander XP accumulated for reaching the next skill point (up to and including the 18th skill point), or up to and including 120,100 points of Commander XP accumulated for reaching the 19th skill point, then, after 0.6.0, this Commander will receive the same number of skill points, the same amount of Commander XP accumulated for reaching the next skill point, and 47,000 Commander XP as a bonus.
  • If, before the release of Update 0.6.0, a Commander had 18 or more skill points and over 120,100 points of Commander XP accumulated for reaching the next skill point (the total amount of accumulated Commander XP was 1,661,000 XP or more), then, after 0.6.0, this Commander will receive 19 skill points, and the amount of their Commander XP will be the difference between the total accumulated Commander XP, and 1,661,000 will be added to the common pool of Elite Commander XP.

▼ View the New Commander Skill Point table


We also made changes to the amounts of XP required for retraining a Commander from one ship to another.

▼ View the Commander retraining cost table


Visual and Graphics Changes

  • Added new Commander images, including a US Commander portrait featuring the likeness of World of Warships player Markcou, a devoted Canadian NA World of Warships player and TRIO Clan member of more than four years before they passed away. o7 Markcou!
  • In Port, Commander level will have a numerical designation
  • Layout of Marblehead guns corrected

Ship Exterior Changes

We made corrections to the appearance of several ships using a special technology for improved rendering of thin elements (mostly the ship’s rigging). These corrections will not affect performance. The following ships were affected:

  • Saipan
  • Belfast
  • Błyskawica
  • Flint
  • Sims
  • Atlanta
New Permanent Camouflage for: Fuso, Aoba, Farragut, Independence, New Mexico, Bayern, Nürnberg, Budyonny, Leander, Nagato, and Amagi

  • Fuso, Aoba, Farragut, Independence, New Mexico, Bayern, Nürnberg, Budyonny, and Leander:
      • -3% to detectability range by sea
      • +4% to maximum dispersion of shells fired by the enemy attacking the ship
      • +30% to XP earned in battle
      • Camouflage cost: 1,000 Doubloons


      • -3% to detectability range by sea
      • +4% to maximum dispersion of shells fired by the enemy attacking the ship
      • +50% to XP earned in battle
      • -5% to the cost of the ship’s post-battle service
      • Camouflage cost: 2,000 Doubloons


      • -3% to detectability range by sea
      • +4% to maximum dispersion of shells fired by the enemy attacking the ship
      • +50% to XP earned in battle
      • -10% to the cost of the ship’s post-battle service
      • Camouflage cost: 3,000 Doubloons
  • Montana and Alabama: Reintroduced more accurate armor layout models for their main turrets
  • Montana, Missouri, and Iowa: Slightly changed exterior appearance
  • Minotaur: added the animation for the antenna of its navigation radar
  • Prinz Eugen: added the animation for the recoil of the guns in the first main turret after firing
  • Shinonome: fixed the visualization of onboard boats at low graphics quality settings
  • Perth: added a box on one of its main turrets
  • Added platforms near radars for rangefinders. Fixed missing rangefinders of main guns/turrets. For Montana, Missouri, and Iowa, fixed the bug where the AA mount on the main turret disappeared after the turret had been destroyed
  • Perth: fixed the text descriptions of its armor layout. Its battle performance was not affected

Balance Corrections and Ship Changes

The following rules for module replacement and relevant bonuses are applicable to:

  • Nagato and Amagi: Removed hull (A). Instead of the previously used hull (A), we added the hull that is equal to hull (B) in all aspects but the HP and rudder shift time. The HP and rudder shift time for this hull remain at the same level as for the previously used hull (A)
  • If a player had researched hull (B) of Nagato before the update was released, they will automatically receive its hull (C). If a player had researched hulls (B) and (C) of Nagato before the update was released, they will receive 22,000 Ship XP for Nagato and 1,800,000 Credits
  • If a player had researched hull (B) of Amagi before the update was released, they will automatically receive its hull (C). If a player had researched hulls (B) and (C) of Amagi before the update was released, they will receive 39,000 Ship XP for Amagi and 2,300,000 Credits
  • Derzki: Fixed shells fired from one of its main guns at maximum range had more velocity than shells fired from its other main guns. This bug was only present in cases where it had an increased firing range after the “Advanced Firing Training” Skill was mastered by its Commander
  • Bismarck: Parameters of “Hydroacoustic Search” consumable changed to the standard parameters for tier VIII ships
  • For battleships, the time the Catapult Fighter consumable is active for was decreased to 90 seconds
  • Updated the turret models for Nagato and Amagi
  • Fixed the bug where shell flight time was calculated incorrectly when firing at maximum range. Now the shell flight time is displayed correctly in battle
    This fix slightly changed the flight time of all shells when firing at maximum ranges (changes are within the range of 0.3 seconds). This fix will not affect the armor penetration capability or damage potential of shells in any way. Only Yorck has changed significantly: AP shell flight time at maximum range for a “top” Yorck (17.3km) increased to 17.5 seconds — the real time of HE shell flight was 13 seconds, while 15 seconds was displayed in the interface.
  • The “Flight Control Modification 1” upgrade will now reduce aircraft servicing time by 15% instead of 10%
  • The “Air Groups Modification 2” upgrade will now, in addition to the 20% bonus to fighters’ HP, increase their ammunition count by 50%
  • For Fubuki, the time the Smoke Screen active time was decreased from 89 to 81 seconds
  • Akizuki: Changed armor penetration for explosive shells from 19 to 17 mm
  • Marblehead: Reloading time for main caliber guns reduced to 6.67 seconds, torpedo tube sector cone increased by seven degrees towards the stern on both launchers



Starting from Update 0.6.0, the Clans feature becomes accessible. The cost of creating a Clan is 2,500 Doubloons.


Added the possibility to invite a player to join a Clan. It is available to Clan members with the following positions in a Clan: Commander, Deputy Commander, Recruiter.

  • The invitation to join a Clan will only be displayed to a player who is currently not a member of another Clan
  • The player can decline the invitation. After that, the invitation will be removed from the list of invitations
  • The player can accept the invitation. After that, the new Clan member will be redirected to the Clan profile
  • Invitations whose lifetime (3 days) has expired will not be displayed to the invitee but will be displayed (with the “Expired” status) to members of the inviting Clan
  • The sent invitation will be displayed in the “Invitations” tab and its status will change after the invitee accepts/declines it or it expires
  • For Clan members, a Clan tab will be displayed next to the “Profile” tab. This tab will be named after the Clan tag of the corresponding Clan

Every Clan member can see the profile of their Clan. The profile of any other Clan can be accessed after the corresponding Clan is found via the search feature. The following information about a Clan is displayed:

  • Clan members
  • Average statistics for all Clan members (if only a single Clan member chose to hide their personal statistics, then it will not be included in the average Clan statistics; if there are several Clan members who chose to hide their personal statistics, then this data will be accounted for when calculating the average Clan statistics; if all Clan members chose to hide their personal statistics, then the statistics of this Clan will also be “hidden”)
  • Personal statistics for every player who did not choose to hide them
  • Positions of Clan members: Commander (has full permissions); Deputy Commander (as above, but cannot disband the Clan and delegate the Deputy Commander authority); Recruiter (can invite players who are not members of other Clans to join the Clan); Line Officer (an ordinary Clan member
  • For now, the maximum number of players in a Clan is 30
  • Player management includes: Delegating a position of authority to another player (if allowed by the permissions for the corresponding position); Delegating the Commander authority to another player (only Commanders can do this); Removing players from the Clan (if allowed by the permissions for the corresponding position)
  • When a player leaves the Clan: If this player is not a Commander, they will simply leave the Clan. If this player is a Commander, then they will delegate the Commander authority when leaving
  • The Clan chat is an automatically created chat channel where all Clan members are included. The Clan tag is displayed next to nicknames when in battle
  • Clan tags will be visible next to a nickname in the Port: in chats, in the invitation window to join a Division or a Team, as well as in the lists of Division-mates or Teammates
  • Added an option to create and modify the Clan’s description
  • Added an option to select the Clan tag color
  • Added an option to change the Clan name and/or tag (cost: 2,500 Doubloons)
  • The following reservation rules are applied to the Clan names/Clan tags. The previous Clan name/tag is reserved for the Clan for a month after the date of its modification. During this time, it cannot be used by any other Clan. That is, if Clan “A” changed its Clan name/tag to “B”, then the Clan name/tag “A” cannot be used by any other Clan. If this Clan changed its Clan name/tag to “C” later, then the Clan name/tag “B” becomes reserved, but the Clan name/tag “A” becomes vacant and can be used by another Clan

Other Updates

Testing Japanese tier VI Battleship Mutsu

Interface Changes

New players will be able to join the game using a new option that will not require registration. They will have restricted game functionality: no ability to purchase Doubloons and Premium Account, convert Credits/XP or carry out other operations with their accounts.

  • When playing without registration, players will be able to preserve their progress with the registration of a fully-functional account
  • Once registered, the fully-functional account will supersede the previous demo account used by the player
  • All progress earned in-game achieved using this “demo” account will be transferred to the new “full” player account when registered

Removed ability to purchase New Years camo

Maps and Locations

Minor adjustments:

  • Strait
    The left part of this map was significantly changed — the passage zone was expanded, large island made taller in order to increase the number of firing opportunities in the west-to-east line, and two new islands were added
  • Shards
  • Loop

Removed visual artifacts in the following maps and ports:

Complete Visual Re-Design of the Following Maps and Ports:

  • Islands
  • The Philippines Port


  • Fixed when only the received reward, not the container, was displayed on the deck of a cargo container ship in the Containers screen
  • Fixed where focus on the previously selected mission/challenge was lost after switching from the “Tiles” view to the “Details” view
  • Fixed where a ship’s status could be stuck as “Ship in battle” until the game server was restarted
  • Optimized rain and snow weather effects
  • Fixed where the player remained a member of a Division after leaving a battle when that Division was dismissed during that battle
  • Fixed rare bug where a player could see the effects from an enemy ship, but the enemy ship itself was not visible in-game
  • Fixed rounding error with the value of the “Damage upon the spotting” parameter in the post-battle statistics screen
  • Fixed where Forts suppressed by were not displayed in the post-battle statistics screen
  • Fixed error where an incorrect hint displayed for the already purchased modules of a ship when a player joined a Division with this ship and changed their status to “Ready!” (“Ready for battle in Division”)
  • Fixed where game client abnormally terminated when the player was browsing the Personal File of a Commander awaiting dismissal at the moment of dismissal
  • Fixed incorrect detectability range of Fort 2 on “The Atlantic” map
  • Fixed error where the number of days in the Ranked Battle season was rounded incorrectly if the duration of this season exceeded 1.5 months
  • Fixed display bug with incorrect Missouri wreath at the Port in system messages
  • Added ability to scroll in a summary window at a minimum screen resolution (1366×768 below)
  • Fixed bug that with possibility to add a fourth player in the Division, without being able to go into battle
  • Fixed incorrect display of the number of modules in the third mission’s 5th task in the “Honorable Service” campaign
  • Fixed display issue of campaign with a four-tiered ship carousel at lower resolutions
  • Fixed error when “Solo Warrior” Achievement earned in “Bastion” mode was not received
  • Fixed visual error of national flag order in the tech tree with minimal screen resolutions
  • Fixed visual error for in ARPEGGIO ship description which prompts players to switch to now-removed Yokosuka Port
  • Fixed visual chat error where a Clan player’s nickname was colored gray