Syrian Jagdpanzer IV in the Six Day War – model

JandersUF is back with another model masterpiece.


The JagdPanzer IV / L48 was an early variant of a casemate-type tank-destroyer [turretless tank] produced on a Panzer IV chassis by the Germans in mid-WW2.  These offered a more economical production with similar anti-tank performance to the Panzer IV, with excellent frontal armor protection and a low silhouette excellent for ambush and defensive tactics. In exchange they lost the flexibility of a turret, and some degree of offensive and anti-infantry performance due to slow gun handling and lesser tactical mobility and engagement parameters. It was later upgraded to the Lang L/70 version with a longer gun with improved anti-tank performance, along with sundry other minor changes. For example, the return rollers were reduced in number from four to three to simplify production. This particular vehicle is an example of 1943-44 production. Some of these were recovered after the war, and restored for use by a number of countries. Eventually six were sold by Czechoslovakia to Syria in the 1950s in an arms package along with Hummel self-propelled artillery pieces and multiple Panzer IVs. In 1967 these six vehicles, along with multiple other >20year old German WW2 relics, were used to attack Israel in the Six Day War. One was known to be knocked out, the other 5 likely were pulled back prior to significant action, but the full story is not known.

warning – picture heavy post!

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Syrian Jagdpanzer IV in the Six Day War – model

JandersUF is back with another model masterpiece.


The JagdPanzer IV / L48 was an early variant of a casemate-type tank-destroyer [turretless tank] produced on a Panzer IV chassis by the Germans in mid-WW2.  These offered a more economical production with similar anti-tank performance to the Panzer IV, with excellent frontal armor protection and a low silhouette excellent for ambush and defensive tactics. In exchange they lost the flexibility of a turret, and some degree of offensive and anti-infantry performance due to slow gun handling and lesser tactical mobility and engagement parameters. It was later upgraded to the Lang L/70 version with a longer gun with improved anti-tank performance, along with sundry other minor changes. For example, the return rollers were reduced in number from four to three to simplify production. This particular vehicle is an example of 1943-44 production. Some of these were recovered after the war, and restored for use by a number of countries. Eventually six were sold by Czechoslovakia to Syria in the 1950s in an arms package along with Hummel self-propelled artillery pieces and multiple Panzer IVs. In 1967 these six vehicles, along with multiple other >20year old German WW2 relics, were used to attack Israel in the Six Day War. One was known to be knocked out, the other 5 likely were pulled back prior to significant action, but the full story is not known.

warning – picture heavy post!

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