A Well-Deserved Reward – Reveal

Ten years ago, Wargaming was a small development studio dreaming of releasing a fantasy MMORPG. Then, in December 2008, a completely different idea shot up, replacing orcs and elves with tracks and guns. That’s when World of Tanks was born.

To mark the event, every tanker who registered by December 31st, 2017, will receive a gift from our team, and each reward will be based on your time in World of Tanks. You can check which gift you are entitled to in the “Achievement” tab in-game. It will be based on the year of registration, not the specific date.

So, for example, if you registered on December 31st, 2013, you would get the same rewards as someone who registered on January 1st, 2013.

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Get Ready for a Celebration

World of Tanks 10th Anniversary: A Well Deserved RewardWorld of Tanks 10th Anniversary: A Well Deserved Reward


Are you ready? Keep your eyes peeled and your commander’s cupola open to get more details on Monday!

Roll out!

p.s. If my hearing is not ducked up completely, this video says Uncle Serb LOVES US!!!