Seb is Back + Kaiserreich Wallpapers

I have finally returned from the hell of fixing my computer and now I can finally post. However, I don’t want to leave you, my readers, without a present (because I am sorry for staying away from TAP so much). Thanks a lot to Erwin and SovietTenkDestroyer for posting while I was away. Great work, both of you.

The Kaiserreich alternate history mod was announced for HoI IV, the developer team is recruiting people too and if you want to help, check out the official forums here: KR Forums

For anyone who does not know what Kaiserreich is, it’s a HoI2/Darkest Hour mod where the game starts in a hypothetical 1936 that takes place after a WW1 that was won by Germany. Lots of civil wars (including one in the US) and new nations exist. I won’t spoil it too much, you need to see for yourself (including what happened to the British Empire). Needless to say, the mod is very popular and it even made me buy DH. It just changes the game completely.

PS: I gladly recommend Hiren’s Boot CD. It has a Mini Windows XP included with many utilities for all sorts of PC problems, perfect for making a back-up of your files before reinstalling Windows.

Wallpapers in this post are Full HD/2K, link to album that has also 4K wallpapers here.


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Hearts of Iron IV – Development Diary 59 – D-Day

Hi everyone, todays diary was a bit late because we are all busy with the release, but here we go:
Its a wierd feeling to finally be able to release a game we have poured so much heart, hard work and sweat into over the last few years. A mix of pride in the team and the game and butterflies in your stomach as the assault ships close in on the beaches of Normandie.
The weather finally seems to hold up and we expect to make landing on the evening of June 6th after long preparations. You can join us in the Higgins boats for the last stretch up the beach as we will be streaming the game 15:00-19:00 CEST and have most of the team come by to answer questions and hang out.
To best prepare to meet the German pillboxes and other obstacles we recommend checking out these briefings from Jake: (Seb: I will just put in the ones not yet shared on TAP)

There are also some After Action Reports from some of our betas to read here:
And finally, lots of streams and videos out there now so make sure to check those out!
See you in streams and next friday when I expect we will be talking about how the release went!
@Sideburnout sorted out an extra wallpaper as well, enjoy: