Armored Warfare – Spirithaven Season Update

The game is still alive. Weekend news are low, so I hope you don’t mind something different once in a while. Source: AW Portal

We are happy to announce that the Asian-themed Spirithaven season is now available!

The core of the Spirithaven season is a new set of Asian (mostly Japanese and Korean) vehicles as well as the continuation of the Special Operations storyline, but also the addition and improvements of various aspects of the game. Here’s what’s new:

New Asian Vehicles

A new set of Asian progression vehicles appears in Francine De Laroche’s vehicle pool, each with fairly different playstyle.


The following vehicles are initially available:

  • Type 16 MCV Tier 7 TD – unlocked either from C13 TUA (Francine De Laroche) or Type 90-II (Zhang Feng), this wheeled Tank Destroyer is somewhat similar to the Centauro. Unlike the Centauro, however, it features a unique ability called AI Target Assistant, allowing you to aim more precisely at moving targets. You can read more about it in our dedicated article
  • Harimau Tier 8 LT – this Indonesian machine is the embodiment of what makes the Light Tank class so fun to play – fast and well-armed, it is perfect for aggressive gameplay the Light Tank drivers love so much. You can read more about it in our dedicated article

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AW: End of Polish FB Page & Discord

As a possible sign of things to come, it was announced on 11 February by Polish CM MaciekM4a4 that the Polish AW Discord section will be closed on 15 February (today), the users being redirected to the English channels. The same fate is also to be shared by the Polish AW Facebook page and MaciekM4a4 himself resigned from the CM function. The game and articles on the main page will still be available in Polish.

MLI-84M Mortar Variant: When you can’t put an old dog down

A silhouetted illustration from the patent of the 120mm mortar armed MLI-84M variant. The rear access doors are missing.

On the 25th of September, 2015, Pro Optica S.A. and MFA S.A. Mizil, two prominent Romanian defense companies, filed a patent for a new variant of the MLI-84M. The five inventors who were credited on the patent were Lespezeanu Ion, Jipa Vasile, Oțelea Traian, Șerbănescu Paul, and Mareș Marcel. This MLI-84M variant is equipped with a 120mm mortar and carries some unique features. There is no real name given to this variant, however, MFA’s official website has it listed under “Future Military products”, but the link leads to a couple of images of the MLVM variant with a 120mm mortar, a MLVM variant which MFA has deemed as one of their “Past Military products”.

MLVM armed with a domestic 120mm M1982 mortar. The newly discovered 120mm mortar armed MLI-84M variant is likely the spiritual successor of this vehicle. Image source:

MFA’s website refers to it as “120mm Mortar on MLI-84M chassis” and the patent refers to it as ‘Mașina de Luptă cu Sistem de Armament Tip Aruncator Calibru 120mm, Integrat’ which translates in English to ‘Fighting Vehicle with a 120mm Caliber Mortar Type Armament System’.

The purpose of this vehicle is to support ground forces directly by ensuring the annihilation and neutralization of enemy personnel, equipment, and positions using its 120mm mortar. In addition, the invention brings an increase of firepower, precision, mobility, and modularity. Presumably, compared to the 120mm mortar carrying MLVM variant which it may or may not be replacing.

So far, whether the vehicle design has been built, still in development, or the project was scrapped entirely is unknown.

Continue reading “MLI-84M Mortar Variant: When you can’t put an old dog down”

MLI-84M Mortar Variant: When you can’t put an old dog down

A silhouetted illustration from the patent of the 120mm mortar armed MLI-84M variant. The rear access doors are missing.

On the 25th of September, 2015, Pro Optica S.A. and MFA S.A. Mizil, two prominent Romanian defense companies, filed a patent for a new variant of the MLI-84M. The five inventors who were credited on the patent were Lespezeanu Ion, Jipa Vasile, Oțelea Traian, Șerbănescu Paul, and Mareș Marcel. This MLI-84M variant is equipped with a 120mm mortar and carries some unique features. There is no real name given to this variant, however, MFA’s official website has it listed under “Future Military products”, but the link leads to a couple of images of the MLVM variant with a 120mm mortar, a MLVM variant which MFA has deemed as one of their “Past Military products”.

MLVM armed with a domestic 120mm M1982 mortar. The newly discovered 120mm mortar armed MLI-84M variant is likely the spiritual successor of this vehicle. Image source:

MFA’s website refers to it as “120mm Mortar on MLI-84M chassis” and the patent refers to it as ‘Mașina de Luptă cu Sistem de Armament Tip Aruncator Calibru 120mm, Integrat’ which translates in English to ‘Fighting Vehicle with a 120mm Caliber Mortar Type Armament System’.

The purpose of this vehicle is to support ground forces directly by ensuring the annihilation and neutralization of enemy personnel, equipment, and positions using its 120mm mortar. In addition, the invention brings an increase of firepower, precision, mobility, and modularity. Presumably, compared to the 120mm mortar carrying MLVM variant which it may or may not be replacing.

So far, whether the vehicle design has been built, still in development, or the project was scrapped entirely is unknown.

Continue reading “MLI-84M Mortar Variant: When you can’t put an old dog down”

Armored Warfare now Available on Steam


Seems to have positive reviews so far.

System Requirements


    • OS: Windows 7/8/10 (x32), Windows 7/8/10 (x64)
    • Processor: Intel(R) Core2Duo CPU 6700 @ 2.66GHz (2 CPUs), ~2.7GHz or equivalent
    • Memory: 2 GB RAM
    • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 9500 GT 512 MB or equivalent
    • DirectX: Version 9.0
    • Storage: 34 GB available space
    • Sound Card: DirectX compatible sound card

    • OS: Windows 7/8/10 (x32), Windows 7/8/10 (x64)
    • Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4440 CPU @ 3.10GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.1GHz or equivalent
    • Memory: 4 GB RAM
    • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 275 896 MB or equivalent
    • DirectX: Version 12
    • Network: Broadband Internet connection
    • Storage: 40 GB available space
    • Sound Card: DirectX compatible sound card