It’s a coveted vehicle, loved by many a tanker. Lots of folks keep a place for it in their hearts and Garages, so he’re the first info on the return of the old-school Soviet spotter! There’s a good chance it will make a triumphant comeback, provided… well, we’ll tell you more about that some time later. For now, let’s brief those not yet familiar with the T-50-2.
We had lots of reasons to remove it from the game 5 years ago: this tank was ahead of its time and did not fit in with the gameplay of that era. Also, it was unique and because of that, it was becoming overly popular. The decision to part with it was a hard (and sad) one. But those days have long passed, and today the T-50-2 is on its way back. We mean it: we’re really starting the Supertest for the refurbished T-50-2!
What’s It Like?
The new T-50-2 is a highly mobile Tier VI light tank made for active spotting. It also has decent combat efficiency: you can light enemies up, but you can also beat them up, surviving by being agile and compact.
The Supertest stats for the T-50-2 suit the battle tier range for Tier VI light tanks. Let’s see how it rolls! In any case, it’s THAT T-50-2: tiny, fast, and elusive.
“Lock on the railway crossing! Will light it right after the countdown!” If you played 5 years ago, you’ll get goosebumps seeing this in the chat window, realizing that your teammate is commanding a T-50-2. It doesn’t matter that those spotted won’t be dangerous Tier Xs. The T-50-2 will do it in style, regardless!
Some day…
Stay tuned!