WoWS Q&A – 15th May 2016

Thanks to Babykim, EU

A bit more of news digest from getfun:


1. Currently player surveys about the MM appear at the end of the battle. If you leave the battle before it ends, you will not get a survey. This will be changed in the future, so that more players can partake. The developers say that the data collected in surveys are analyzed by a competent team.

2. The developers concede shortcomings in the balancing of divisions that pertain to the distribution of divisions between the teams.

3. One developer said that a new matchmaking engine is under development. No details.

2 thoughts on “WoWS Q&A – 15th May 2016

  1. \”The developers say that the data collected in surveys are analyzed by a competent team.\”
    Well it seems the survey itself was made by an incompetent team 😀 First of all the question should be asked in the begining of the countdown, it\’s much easier to check the teams then, instead of having to remember it after the battle. And secondly, there should be more questions related to the survey, for instance, if it was fun/boring to be placed as bottom/mid tier etc 🙂

    1. \”First of all the question should be asked in the begining of the countdown\”

      Already asked, not possible ATM, sadly. Yes, even the devs know it\’d be better there.

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