The E 65 Zwilling is a Tier VIII German heavy tank equipped with a dual 8.8 cm gun system. Its key difference from the Soviet Object 703 Version II lies in its very quick gun change time, fast salvo preparation, and increased aiming time while preparing a salvo.
However, the reload block after firing a salvo is quite long. The vehicle boasts good mobility for a heavy tank, with a top speed of 38 km/h, as well as the typical hull and turret protection of German heavy tanks.
Uncle of VT1?
Ooh, a unique double barrel heavy? Ill keep an eye on it.
Couldn’t they just make a double barrelled Tiger II for shits and giggles instead of the usual “fake hull, fake turret, fake everything” bs?
I would take doublebar tiger 2 in an instant lol. I accept designs that didnt exist but are based on believable construction, with E77 and this thing…I dont know…its bit off. Cant put my finger on why.
E50M? Fine engineers could theoretically place transmission to the rear even tho it was serbs wet dream. VZ55? Okay it has suspension taken from soviet tank school and turret is not far from soviet philosophy as well. I dont believe E series would be planned with cast turret like with E77 and seems like E65 have cast turret as well?
Would like to know if engineers are consulted in latest made up tanks, seems more like artists impression to me, and it shows. Also this is funny, how far we went from here:
fakiest fake tank ever
Not sure if germany ever dabbled with double-cannoned tanks, but the E65 itself as a concept is ludicrous and fake.
Yet another German pinata that won’t shoot straight lol
WoT are pumping “new” tanks out like piglets at the moment
270 turret front on a german tier 8.
this game is so fucking lost bro
the turret armor inflation is out of fucking control at this point