WoT: CT 1.16.1 Cobra Changed Stats

Dispersion during turret rotation – 0,23 0.21
Gun dispersion during hull movement – 0,23 0.21
Gun dispersion during hull traverse – 0,14 0.11
Complete reload time: 57,53s 52.73s
Reload time between autoloader shots: 2,30s 1,9s
Rate of fire: 3,73 4.11
Accuracy at 100m: 0,40 0.39
Hull armor: 120mm 130mm

4 thoughts on “WoT: CT 1.16.1 Cobra Changed Stats

  1. A. Wow a new British tank!
    B. It will be shitty
    A. No it won’t!!
    B. Yep told you
    A. 😔

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