Just like 2 years ago, the situation with 3D styles for Tier 10 tanks remains ambiguous. Not a single reward tank from personal missions has received a 3D style [and that’s the most disappointing part]. The art department hasn’t managed to establish a practice or even do it once so that a researchable Tier 10 tank has its own style right at release!
It seems no one really knows how tanks are selected for 3D style designs (the latest SPG was supposed to get its 3D style in the New Year boxes, and at least one collector’s tank too—but that didn’t happen either. Instead, we got styles for Tier 9 tanks. And as for the Japanese Ho-Ri 3, it seems like everyone just completely forgot about it).
Some get their first 3D style and it’s absolute dogshit like the BZ-75 with the damn TMNT skin.
Imagine, there are a plenty of tanks with more then just 1 3D Style.. why cant wg just focus on at least 1 style per tank + to make it at least a bit historic, not like turtles or surfboard or terminator..
I wouldnt care if their newly implemented custom 3D modules wouldnt suck ass…but they do. 3 slots and underwhelming unhistorical modules.
I wanna see a jungle 3D style on the Ho ri