WoT Supertest: Gryphon In-Game Screenshots & Historical Reference

Gryphon (Great Britain, Tier-10, HT, promotional, mechanics: 2-round magazine with reverse reloading)

Historical Reference:

As work on the Chieftain tank progressed, the matter arose of organizing production of a similar-class vehicle outside of the U.K. Based on the chassis of the first prototype, a project was developed with the American turret of the promising Concept1b tank.

The vehicle was given the working name of Gryphon. Besides the turret, use of a range of other American components was planned. The internal equipment was meant to remain British. Initially, the design included the possibility of mounting either a British or an American gun, depending on the country where production was supposed to begin. The project was closed in favor of more promising vehicle types.

9 thoughts on “WoT Supertest: Gryphon In-Game Screenshots & Historical Reference

    1. We know already the tank from Assembly shop which will take place in 2nd part of February, and is not this tank!

          1. I know and i won’t, i just want to be excited about assembly shop tanks like i was with the 780, lion, kpz…

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