WoT RU: Vehicle Changes in Update 1.28

T-54 first prototype

Was became
Reloading time of the 100 mm D-10T-K gun for the T-54 turret, first sample 8 sec 7.5 sec
Armor penetration of the UBR-412 projectile for the 100 mm D-10T-K gun 190 mm 210 mm
Armor penetration of the UBR-412P projectile for the 100 mm D-10T-K gun 247 mm 260 mm

The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the T-54 chassis, the first sample, was reduced by 30%.
The dispersion of the gun when turning the chassis of the T-54 first model is reduced by 30%.
The dispersion of the 100 mm D-10T-K gun when rotating the turret has been reduced by 17%.

The T-54, the first model, was considered insufficiently effective in combat: low armor penetration, an insufficiently comfortable weapon, and low damage per minute. The following changes have been made: the characteristics of armor penetration, stabilization and reload speed have been increased.


Was became
Aiming time for the 107 mm M-75K gun for the KV-4 KTTS turret 2.5 sec 2.2 sec
View range of the KV-4 KTTS turret 350 m 370 m
The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the KV-4 KTTS chassis has been reduced by 23%.
The dispersion of the gun from the KV-4 KTTS chassis traverse has been reduced by 23%.
The dispersion of the 107 mm M-75K gun when rotating the barrel has been reduced by 17%.

To improve the comfort of playing the KV-4 KTTS at medium range, the gun aiming, stabilization and view range indicators have been improved.

M46 Patton KR

Was became
Reload time of the 90 mm Gun M3A1 for the M46 Patton KR turret 7.4 sec 6.4 sec
Aiming time of the 90 mm Gun M3A1 for the M46 Patton KR turret 2.2 sec 1.9 sec
M46 Patton KR Turret View Range 390 m 400 m
Armor penetration of the basic T33 projectile of the 90 mm Gun M3A1 gun 192 mm 216 mm
Armor penetration of the special projectile M304 of the 90 mm Gun M3A1 243 mm 260 mm
The dispersion of the gun due to movement of the M46 Patton KR chassis has been reduced by 17%.
Gun dispersion due to rotation of the M46 Patton KR chassis has been reduced by 17%.
The M46 Patton KR is not effective enough in combat compared to other medium tanks. Increasing the firepower of vehicles by increasing armor penetration, rate of fire, visibility and stabilization will make playing on a tank more comfortable.


Was became
Reload time of 105 mm Gun T141 for MVY JJ turret 7.3 sec 7.95 sec
Armor penetration of the HEAT-T T298E2 projectile of the 105 mm Gun T141 330 mm 320 mm
Armor penetration of the HVAPDS-T T279E2 projectile for the 105 mm Gun T141 gun 274 mm 268 mm
Maximum forward speed 50 km/h 45 km/h

M-V-Y stands out among vehicles of its class and level both in Random Battles and in competitive game modes. The following changes have been made: reduced speed, armor penetration and rate of fire.

FSV Scheme A

Was became
Accuracy at 100 m of the 75 mm M6 gun in the FSV Scheme A turret 0.33 0.37
Aiming time of the 75 mm M6 gun for the FSV Scheme A turret 1.8 sec 2.3 sec.

Concept No. 5

Was became
Accuracy at 100 m of the 110 mm Medium Velocity Gun in the Concept No. 5 turret 0.31 0.32
Reload time for the 110 mm Medium Velocity Gun for the Concept No. turret. 5 9.6 sec 10.1 sec
Aiming time for the 110 mm Medium Velocity Gun for the Concept No. turret. 5 1.8 sec 1.9 sec
Dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the chassis Concept No. 5 increased by 10%.
The dispersion of the Concept No. 5 gun when turning the chassis has been increased by 10%.
After the changes made in update 1.24, Concept No. 5 and FSV Scheme A began to stand out compared to other medium tanks of their level. In the current iteration, changes have been made to the firing characteristics of both tanks.

Super Conqueror

Was became
Reload time of the 120 mm Gun L1A1 for the Conqueror “Unorthodox” ABP turret 8.7 sec 9.5 sec

Based on the test results, it was decided to make changes to the characteristics and armor scheme of the Super Conqueror tank (compared to the previous iteration of changes ): the armor of the rangefinder zone was changed from 230 mm to 250 mm, and the rate of fire of the gun was also reduced.


Was became
Strength with CS-53M1 turret 1,300 HP 1,450 HP
Accuracy at 100 m of the Armata wz. 58 gun in the CS-53M1 turret 0.38 0.36
Reload time of the 100 mm armata wz. 58 gun for the CS-53M1 turret 8.6 sec 8.2 sec
Aiming time for the 100 mm armata wz gun. 58 for CS-53M1 turret 2.5 sec 2.1 sec
Speed ​​when changing engine operating mode 50/17 km/h 70/25 km/h
GTD-M1 engine power when changing operating modes 710 hp 1,150 hp
The dispersion of the gun due to movement of the CS-53 II chassis has been reduced by 11%.
Gun dispersion due to rotation of the CS-53 II chassis has been reduced by 11%.
Added gas turbine engine mechanics.


Was became
Speed ​​when changing engine operating mode 50/17 km/h 70/25 km/h
GTD-M1 engine power when changing operating modes 710 hp 1,150 hp
The dispersion of the 105 mm armata wz. 59 gun when turning the turret has been reduced by 20%.
The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the CS-59 II chassis has been reduced by 13%.
Gun dispersion due to rotation of the CS-59 II chassis has been reduced by 13%.
Added gas turbine engine mechanics.
The mechanism for turning the CS-59 II chassis has been changed (the rotation is carried out around its axis).
To comply with the principle of line continuity, gas turbine engine mechanics were added to the CS-53 and CS-59 tanks. Fire characteristics (stabilization, accuracy, gun aiming speed, reload time) have been improved for a more comfortable game.

Carro d’assalto P.88

Was became
Accuracy at 100 m of the Cannone da 90/62 gun in the P.88 seconda variant turret 0.42 0.38
Cannon da 90/62 aiming time for P.88 turret seconda variante 2.5 sec 2.3 sec
Turret viewing range P.88 seconda variante 350 m 360 m

Progetto CC55 mod. 54

Was became
Aiming time for the Cannone da 105/71 gun for the Progetto CC55 mod turret. 54 B 2.5 sec 2.3 sec
Reload time for the Cannone da 105/71 gun for the Progetto CC55 mod turret. 54 B 13/14/16 sec 11/13/14 sec

Progetto C50 mod. 66

Was became
Dispersion of the Cannone da 120/62 gun in the Progetto C50 tipo 3 turret 0.36 m 0.34 m
Cannon da 120/62 aiming time for Progetto C50 type 3 turret 2.7 sec 2.3 sec
Engine power MB 838 690 hp 760 hp


Was became
Strength with Rinoceronte tower 2,000 HP 2,300 HP
Reload time of the 127 mm OTO Melara gun 15.7/17/20 sec 14/15.7/17 sec

Having analyzed the vehicles of this branch, we came to the conclusion that they are not effective enough in their role. Based on this, the characteristics of the guns, vehicle durability, dynamics and other indicators will be revised.

These changes should improve the comfort of playing on machines of this branch when moving from level to level.

31 thoughts on “WoT RU: Vehicle Changes in Update 1.28

    1. Do you even realise how many premiums (such as the chieftain and arty and a Gold WTE100) lesta/wot ru sold since their breakup.
      Armored patrol frames their shit. They stopped posting about the weird sales of their premiums and pro arty changes and p2w changes. Why? I dont know. Maybe they hate wg that much (well this is obvious) so that they try to present lesta as the good guys.

      1. Lesta never sold any tier 10 Chieftains, WT E 100 was in the loot boxes which you barely see in battles, there is 1 tier 8 flamethrower which was obtainable once so its very rare in battles, artys are the same as on WG servers. Stop spreading bs when you dont play both servers and you have absolutely no idea what are you talking about.

        1. its ukrainian or nafofag bot, dont bother
          “donchu know russian server is doing bad mate “

      2. Putting aside non sense toxic comments specifically from some Russian players. I mean its pretty clear once Lesta is struggling when large amount of RU players opt against supporting Lesta World of Tanks (this includes playing to improve their “stats” and improve their Sales tax which is going to war as a bad clause ) …then most RU players went to EU World of Tanks

        I mean look at their recent tanks like Poland Tech Tree…they keep using same poland turbo feature over and over again

        Lesta World of Tanks (RU) obviously trying hilariously 1 UP the NA/EU/ASIA World of Tanks…and RU WOT failing

        Russian World of Tanks remains sub par

        1. Why not use your brain before thinking. You might not then write such wankstain comments.
          You clearly don’t know anything about either game

        2. nafofag spotted. You are making up bullshit about Lesta just because its RU server. They obviously struggle more, but are also more dedicated to their game than WG. And thats good for WG players too, because WG know they see what is happening on RU server.

  1. WoT RU has been doing some nice balancing lately… but why on gods green earth did they nerf the British wheeled MT XD

    1. Because they overbuffed those cars.
      The RU version of the Concept No.5 is simply a better Leo1, way faster with pretty much the same gun.

  2. The more positive changes Lesta makes, the sadder it becomes for our version of WoT.
    WG is just a bunch of lazy & greedy mfs.
    Only by stop buying anything from them, we might have a chance of making our game better.

    1. Because obviously they are doing a good job with the game.. fk off with your politics when it comes to entering a game and wanting to enjoy it and clearly WG just after couple months proved they are lazy and incapable.. buffed and nerfed in total of 4 tanks and on top of their stupidity added ammo for BT-5 or some sht… meanwhile Lesta are finishing with tank rebalancing leaving everyone satisfied enough with fair and needed changes.. truth hurts or what? 30+ tanks needs rebalancing for level play field.. Lesta did that..

    2. I don’t see any pro russian comments you fucking twat. Fuck off.

      You’re the fucking idiot if you keep playing EU.

      I play EU but RU are shitting on EU wot in terms of changes, maps, balancing etc.

      What’s EU wot excuse?

  3. The EU server is a Joke, it’s not even funny anymore. Genuinely asking myself if they doing it on purpose or if they’re just dumb af.

    1. Pro Putin eu commenters are upset that EU new content are destroying Lesta flamethrower clowns. Yea lesta released flamethrowers tanks ignoring community opposition now ru can’t keep their large player base.

      1. Spreading nonsense without any background knowledge, there was 1 tier 8 flamethrower tank on Lesta servers and it isnt used at all because its rare and useless. Normal tanks are used which got rebalanced and fun to play again.

        This has nothing to do with IRL things, clearly Lesta makes a lot better job developing their version of WoT. While WG is afraid to change 2 digit stats on anything, Lesta makes long forgotten tanks fun to play.

  4. Buffs to Polish mediums are long overdue, guess WG doesn’t care because CS-63 is the only one that matters in their eyes.

  5. Everyone used to blame the Russians of wot for lack of game improvements. Since ru split off they’ve made lots of improvements for players.
    Now eu has no excuse and still do nothing except test more and more fake premium tanks for their 8 and 9.
    No new modes, no meaningful rebalancing or new maps 🤷🏼‍♂️

  6. I totally agree that articles about WOT RU should be moved low importance/Other category

    While main news should be focus on WOT NA/EU/ASIA only.

    1. So that would just be news about more premium tank super tests 🥱

      1. I reality World of Tanks EU/NA is doing better on improving and adding features aside of claims of massive premium tank release while WOT RU (facts) putting turbo on new tech tree tanks, unnecessary tier system for sales events, trying to get ahead in numbers (company or employee quotas), and gets upset a Ukraine Bundle is being released for WOT NA/E.

        1. Fuck off back to America you bot.

          You dont even know what you’re talking about.

          Nobody even mentioned “bonds” lol

          EU “still release more features” lol you are joker.

  7. Comparing WOT Russia with WOT NA/EU is out of bonds. They dont have same laws or restrictions.. Even if NA/EU was under little more restrictions or less freedom…they still releasing new features and does not go overboard like RU did. RU trying put tier system on popular sales events…

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