WoT RU 1.27 Common Test: Patch Notes of Vehicle Changes

Super Conqueror

  • The armoring of the rangefinder zone on the turret has been reworked (penetrating it causes damage now);

  • The reload time of the 120 mm Gun L1A1 gun has been changed from 8.7 sec to 9.5 sec.


  • The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the T-34/85 chassis has been reduced by 17%;
  • The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the Konštrukta T-34/100 chassis has been reduced by 18%;
  • The dispersion of the gun due to rotation of the T-34/85 chassis has been reduced by 17%;
  • The dispersion of the gun due to rotation of the Konštrukta T-34/100 chassis has been reduced by 18%;
  • Accuracy at 100m of the 85 mm vz. 44S in the Konštrukta T-34/100 varianta II turret changed from 0.37 m to 0.35 m;
  • Accuracy at 100m of the 100 mm vz. 44S in the Konštrukta T-34/100 varianta II turret changed from 0.4 m to 0.37 m;
  • Accuracy at 100m of the 85 mm vz. 44S in the Konštrukta T-34/100 varianta I turret changed from 0.37 m to 0.35 m;
  • Accuracy at 100m of the 100 mm vz. 44S in the Konštrukta T-34/100 varianta I turret changed from 0.38 m to 0.36 m;
  • Aiming time for the 85 mm vz. 44S for the Konštrukta T-34/100 varianta II turret changed from 2.3 sec. up to 2.1 sec;
  • Gun aiming time 100 mm vz. 44S for the Konštrukta T-34/100 varianta II turret changed from 2.6 seconds to 2.4 seconds;
  • Aiming time for the 85 mm vz. 44S for the Konštrukta T-34/100 varianta I turret changed from 2.3 seconds to 2.1 seconds.


  • Accuracy at 100m of the 100 mm vz. 44S in TVP VTU Koncept turret changed from 0.38 m to 0.34 m;
  • Accuracy at 100m of the 100 mm vz. 44S in T 40 turret changed from 0.38 m to 0.34 m;
  • Reload time for the 10.5 cm vz. gun. 39N for T 40 turret changed from 9.8 sec to 8.8 sec;
  • Reload time for the 10.5 cm vz. gun. 39N for the TVP VTU Koncept turret changed from 10.3 sec to 9.8 sec;
  • Gun aiming time 10.5 cm vz. 39N for T 40 turret changed from 2.2 sec to 2 sec;
  • Gun aiming time 100 mm vz. 44S for T 40 turret changed from 2.4 sec to 1.9 sec;
  • Gun aiming time 100 mm vz. 44S for TVP VTU Koncept turret changed from 2.4 sec to 2.1 sec;
  • Gun aiming time 10.5 cm vz. 39N for TVP VTU Koncept turret changed from 2.2 sec to 2 sec;
  • The view range of the TVP VTU Koncept turret has been changed from 370 m to 380 m;
  • The view range of the T 40 turret has been changed from 380 m to 390 m;
  • Armor penetration of the Vz. 42N OPG gun 10.5 cm vz. 39N changed from 246/222 mm to 264/250 mm;
  • Armor penetration of the Vz. 39N OPG gun 10.5 cm vz. 39N changed from 208/198 mm to 226/214 mm;
  • Projectile speed Vz. 42N OPG gun 10.5 cm vz. 39N increased by 17%;
  • Projectile speed Vz. 39N OPG gun 10.5 cm vz. 39N increased by 17%.


  • The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the 116-F3 chassis has been reduced by 20%;
  • The dispersion of the gun due to rotation of the 116-F3 chassis has been reduced by 20%;
  • Accuracy at 100m of the 130 mm Type-62 gun has been changed from 0.42 m to 0.4 m;
  • The reload time of the 130 mm Type-62 gun for the 116-F3 turret has been changed from 40 sec to 27 sec;
  • The aiming time of the 130 mm Type-62 gun for the 116-F3 turret has been changed from 2.9 sec to 2.6 sec;
  • The rate of fire inside the drum for the 130 mm Type-62 gun has been reduced by 38%;
  • NLD armor has been changed from 195 mm to 175 mm.


  • The cost of the tank has been changed from  100 gold to  25,000 credits.

Carro da Combattimento 45 t

  • Accuracy at 100m of the Cannone da 120/67 T53 gun has been changed from 0.38 m to 0.36 m;
  • Reload time for the Cannone da 120/67 T53 gun for the Carro mod turret. 67 changed from 16/14/12/10 sec to 13.5/11.5/9.5 sec;
  • Aiming time for the Cannone da 120/67 T53 gun for the Carro mod turret. 67 changed from 3 sec to 2.4 sec;
  • The number of shells in the drum for the Cannone da 120/67 T53 gun has been changed from 4 to 3;
  • The role of the vehicle has been changed: universal medium tank → support medium tank.

20 thoughts on “WoT RU 1.27 Common Test: Patch Notes of Vehicle Changes

  1. sad to admit, but RU server is doing so much better in vehicle reworks.. how much longer we gonna need to wait for patton, batchat buffs on EU…? 2 years from now? Slow…

      1. Typical Putin players on comment sections praising them. Too me look World of Tanks Russia is having problem controlling their downhill playerbase

        1. yeah because wot player numbers are doing so good anywhere else lmao
          fucking russophobe clown

          1. Trolling on comments or not same behavior typical EU Russian players praising Putin war funded Lesta….they really haven`t got anything new…..considering most of the RU players went to EU..they WOT RU absolutely having issues retaining their large player base
            rolling on comments or not same behavior typical EU Russian players praising Putin war

            1. please use the comment function only, if you are capable of writing a coherent sentence

  2. RU changes, good for them but the other regions desperately need more tank rebalancing as well. Sadly WG is too busy wasting time with loot boxes and achievement charts.

  3. wow sconq cupola will finally act as an actual weakspot, atleast for the ruskies, good for them.

  4. Meanwhile, WG is busy making more loot boxes so people who have quitted the game won’t comeback, people who are still playing will consider making their lifes easier by quitting the game more seriously =)))))))

    “Experimental equipments cannot be purchased” but we put them in loot boxes anyway – WG.

    I’ve never felt so bad for WoT till the recent “event”. It looks like we’re accelerating to the day WoT remains in our memories.

    1. Learn to read the fine print. Experimental equipment is not being directly sold, loot boxes with “a chance to drop experimental equipment” are. WG will only express itself via corporate lines, it’s up to us to see the scam hidden behind them.

      1. Oops, sorry sir I couldn’t care less about those shenanigans WG put out.

        The only thing I remembered when they put out Exp equipments was their promise, which was never sell them in anyway just like Bond equipments.
        Now they’re straight-up selling them, which is promoting P2W directly.
        At this point, WG doesn’t give a fck about their reputation anymore.

        With non-stop series of lootboxes, poorly & lazy balance changes, copy-pasted “new” contents, now straight-up promoting P2W, doesn’t that feel like they’re trying to rip out as much money from WoT before it dies?
        If this is not truly alarming then what really is to you sir?

        1. Seems you also don’t care about the actual meaning of written words.

          I ain’t shilling here, I despise WG as much as the other guy, but you’re trying to build a house without building any foundations. What you’re complaining about is a typical case of corporate script – WG is not directly selling experimental equipment, the loophole abuse is they are selling shitboxes “that have a chance of dropping experimental equipment”. I’m amazed you think they wouldn’t have done that.

          “If this is not truly alarming then what really is to you sir?”

          Things became “alarming” when equipment 2.0 and “improved” equipment (bounty, bond, experimental) were introduced, when artillery was nerfed to the ground (except lefefe, fuck that thing), when hulldown tanks became staples with little to counter them (lol weakspots), when premium ammo became the most used ammo type in the game, and when all premium tanks are sold as random drops rather than directly.

          World of Tanks in its current state is a pile of shit, no ifs or buts about it.

          1. What are you even saying?
            I don’t think of what this disgustingly greedy company might do sir.
            What kind of house I’m trying to build “without building any foundations” that I don’t even know rather than spitting facts?

            Word abusing or not, nobody gives a fck what they say or what anyone say about it, because it is straight-forward, directly promoting P2W, which has never been done with WoT before.
            Try to tell me that so many more people buy the fcking lootboxes NOT because of those components plz?

            There is always P2W aspect in WoT, but it’s small enough to make it acceptable.
            The game’s current situation is so shit NOT because Bond equipments or even Exp equipments, but because of its poorly balance, from the tanks to the maps to the MM system.

            You don’t even understand what is truly alarming here.
            Exp equipments are available for purchase doesn’t make the shitty situation much worse.
            In facts, it will allow more developments to happen in short term if WG really wants to put money in developing the game.

            Unfortunately, WG no longer cares what might happen if they keep milking the game as hard as possible like this.
            They have been putting out lazy contents and extremely slow in making balance changes, some of those changes were very questionable as well.

            I assume you now understand the situation. It’s the game’s inability of having positive changes is what truly alarming here sir.

            1. Oh in saying WG no longer cares, I meant they no longer keep dicks in their pants.
              By directly selling advantages in the game, they’re now putting dicks on the table.

            2. IMHO World of Tanks has been pushing pay2win for years (I believe it started with Object 252U being introduced to the live servers), it’s not widespread but denying it’s there is crazy. Premium ammo is as blatantly pay2win as it can be, “it’s paid with credits” is just an excuse some players use to justify themselves.

              And sure, WG’s top priority is profits and game balance is a distant second, that too has been the case for years. Again, I’m not shilling for WG here, far from it, I’m just saying them adding experimental equipment to lootboxes lets them distribute it without directly selling it, which is why their statement that “we won’t directly sell it” is technically correct – as I said before, corporate scritp, all businesses rely on it.

              Is WG milking cash hard in WoT? Yes, they’ve been doing that for a long time and if you noticed only now then I’m surprised.

              Can we players do anything? We could if there was cohesion in the community, yet we have a minority of tryhards who only care about winning, a minority of whales who pay thousands of USD/€ every few months, and a majority of casuals who couldn’t care less about any of this. This community is so fractured it won’t ever be able to unite for a common purpose.

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