AMA on the New Crew Perk System with Product Owner and Lead Designer

source: reddit

Hey, Tankers!

We are organizing an AMA about the current test on the Crew Perks Changes. We will have the Product Owner and Lead Designer of the Crew Changes available to answer questions you may have on Development and how the Crew Changes came about. The AMA will happen from 14:00 UTC to 16:00 UTC (09:00AM CT to 11:00AM CT) on June 13th.

Please prepare your questions in advance in the format provided.

To keep everything structured and organized we only require a few things in the comments section. FULL AMA ORG STRUCTURE HERE)

All ‘top level’ comments must follow the Question Format. This is to allow for ease of understanding of the question being asked and allows for this to be easily archived and searchable. This also allows other players to easily read and check if their question has been asked and answered. Example of this HERE..)

All other discussions not specified to a particular question asked by another player should be done under the Stickied Comment at the top of the thread. This allows for all discussion to be followed by all readers in one area of the post. Example of this HERE..)

Additional discussion based on someone else’s ‘Top Level’ comment can be done by replying to the comment. This allows other players to discuss and input additional questions based on the original and prevents repeat questions from comment chains that are too lengthy. Example of this HERE – Refer to the comment response..)
r/WorldofTanks – AMA on the New Crew Perk System with Product Owner and Lead Designer

If there are any questions about how this AMA will be run, please feel free to ask in this announcement and we will respond as we can.

Future AMAs will link back to one another and on the u/WorldofTanksOfficial profile.

Thank you and looking forward to hearing your questions

7 thoughts on “AMA on the New Crew Perk System with Product Owner and Lead Designer

    1. Not just more maps, BETTER maps. Most maps in the current rotation are too cramped and favor armored tanks, which in turn favors spamming premium ammo because often there’s no alternative if one wants to win the fight (WG is, of course, aware and okay with this).

  1. Need more game modes and Random mode needs to be reworked after 13 years, because turbo one-sided Randoms are not fun. Develop FL further and more modes with map control type objectives, like Attrition Mode in World of Warplanes.

    1. The most fun I had was the 7 warm up battles I received for not having played for 90 days.
      Played against and with ai bots and results didn’t affect my stats. Loved it

  2. Question: What possessed you to think it was a good idea to do an AMA with a playerbase that despises you, each other, and the game?

  3. I don’t see any questions or answers. The link just shows some shitty Reddit thread with nothing on it. Ridiculous.

  4. Just all PR bullshit WG is going to do whatever it plans to do with or (mostly as usual) without our comments listened to – or even read,
    WG barely ever listens to anything its player base wants or requests, that Belarussian fat ego at work ..

    lol, still remember ‘Storm’ back in the day 8 years ago with his bad-tempered remarks “Fuck you then” “go fuck yourself” “fuck you were doing it anyway!” and his other charming remarks
    (Storm was the WG Chief technical game Manager back then

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