WoT RU: Vehicle Changes In Update 1.27

The most interesting part is that Lesta fixed the siege mode of the UDES 03, Kampfpanzer 3 Prj. 07 HK., and SU-122V.

As part of update 1.27, the hydraulic suspension of tank destroyers with a free-wheeling gun will be corrected:  XSU-122V,  VIIIUDES 03   And  IXKampfpanzer 3 Prj. 07 HK.

After the change, the hull will automatically align according to the example  IXKunze Panzer

Work on rebalancing the equipment continues. We are reviewing the technical characteristics of various groups of tanks to ensure that all vehicles become in demand and effective on the battlefield.

Update 1.27 will be no exception. The characteristics of tanks from several branches will be adjusted.

Machine specifications are subject to change without compensation.
The technical characteristics presented below are indicated for tanks in the top configuration (if the names of the modules are not specified).



Was It became
Number of shells in the magazine 4 pcs. 3 pcs.
Projectile reload time 16/14/12/10 s 13.5/11.5/9.5 s
Mixing time 3 s 2.4 s
Accuracy at 100 m 0.38 m 0.36 m
Changing role from universal to support tank.

The change in the role of the tank is associated both with a change in its performance characteristics and with a change in field modernization to a more suitable one.

After analyzing statistics and player reviews, we identified machine parameters that reduce the quality of gameplay. This is an excessive time to fully charge the drum and unsatisfactory accuracy.

To smooth them out, the shooting comfort of the gun will be improved, and the reload cycle will also be accelerated. With  an  empty  drum, the tank will reload in 13.5 seconds instead of 16 seconds. With a “full ”  drum, the tank will reload in 9.5 seconds instead of 10 seconds. The total reload time will change from 52 seconds to 34.5 seconds.

If the tank has had at least one level of field modernization, when the vehicle’s role changes, the expended experience and credits will be returned, and the equipment and shells will be unloaded to the warehouse. Please note: all experience spent on upgrading (both free and combat) will be returned to the vehicle as combat.



Was It became
Magazine reload time 40 s 27 s
Intraclip reload time 5 s 8 s
Accuracy at 100 m of the 0.42 m 0.4 m
Thickness of the lower frontal palte 195 mm 175 mm
Aiming time 2.9 s 2.6 s
Stabilization improved by 20%.
The vehicle shows good results in terms of combat efficiency, but completely reloading the drum takes a lot of time. In addition, it is quite difficult to realize the vehicle’s 100% potential due to the high miss cost typical of a drum tank, as well as poor accuracy parameters.

To make the game more comfortable on this machine, but keep it balanced, the following changes will be made:

  • The reload time of the drum will be reduced, which will allow you to play more actively. 
  • The reload time between shots will increase, which will keep the damage per minute at the same level and improve shooting comfort, since shots will be fired more often in a closed state.
  • The parameters of stabilization, aiming time and accuracy will change, which will increase shooting comfort. 
  • the thickness of the lower frontal part will decrease by 20 mm, which will compensate for the improvement in performance characteristics described above. 



Was It became
Accuracy at 100 m of the 100 mm vz. 44S in TVP VTU Koncept turret at 100 m 0.36 m 0.34 m
Reload time for the 10.5 cm vz. gun. 39N for TVP VTU Koncept turret 10.3 s 9.8 s
Aiming time for the 100 mm vz gun. 44S for TVP VTU Koncept turret 2.4 s 2.1 s
Gun aiming time 10.5 cm vz. 39N for TVP VTU Koncept turret 2.2 s 2.0 s
View range of the TVP VTU Koncept turret 370 m 380 m
Accuracy at 100 m of the 100 mm vz. 44S in T 40 turret at 100 m 0.36 m 0.34
Reload time for the 10.5 cm vz. gun. 39N for T 40 turret 9.8 s 8.8 s
Gun aiming time 10.5 cm vz. 39N for T 40 turret 2.2 s 2.0 s
Aiming time for the 100 mm vz gun. 44S for T 40 turret 2.4 s 1.9 s
T 40 turret view range 380 m 390 m
Projectile speed Vz. 42N OPG gun 10.5 cm vz. 39N 900 m/s 1050 m/s
Projectile speed Vz. 39N OPG gun 10.5 cm vz. 39N 1017 m/s 1187 m/s
Armor penetration of the special projectile Vz. 39N OPG 246 mm 264 mm
Armor penetration of the basic projectile Vz. 42N OPG 208 mm 226 mm


Was It became
Accuracy at 100 m of the 85 mm vz. 44S in the Konštrukta T-34/100 varianta II turret 0.37 m 0.35
Accuracy at 100 m of the 100 mm vz. 44S in the Konštrukta T-34/100 varianta II turret 0.4 m 0.37
Accuracy at 100 m of the 85 mm vz. 44S in the Konštrukta T-34/100 varianta I turret 0.37 m 0.35
Accuracy at 100 m of the 100 mm vz. 44S in the Konštrukta T-34/100 varianta I 2 turret 0.38 m 0.36
Aiming time for the 85 mm vz gun. 44S for Konštrukta T-34/100 varianta II turret 2.3 s 2.1 s
Aiming time for the 100 mm vz gun. 44S for Konštrukta T-34/100 varianta II turret 2.6 s 2.4 s
Aiming time for the 85 mm vz gun. 44S for Konštrukta T-34/100 varianta I turret 2.3 s 2.1 s
The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the T-34/85 chassis has been reduced by 17%.
The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the Konštrukta T-34/100 chassis has been reduced by 18%.
The dispersion of the gun due to rotation of the T-34/85 chassis has been reduced by 17%.
The dispersion of the gun due to rotation of the Konštrukta T-34/100 chassis has been reduced by 18%.

The TVP VTU Koncept tank is  a sniper vehicle, but the low penetration and accuracy parameters of the top gun, as well as poor vertical aiming angles, do not allow it to be fully realized in battle. Improving the gun’s performance will increase the tank’s efficiency.

In terms of all its characteristics, the T-34/100 tank is uncompetitive in comparison with the most popular vehicles in its role. To solve the problem, the parameters of the gun will be improved.

To make it easier to play in stock, the order in which modules are researched will be adjusted for both tanks, and some performance characteristics of non-top guns will also be improved.



Was It became
Gun reload time 8.7 s 9.5 s
The tank has excellent accuracy, stabilization, aiming, a strong turret with effective screens, good characteristics of vertical aiming angles and the speed of horizontal translation of the sight, as well as a high damage per minute rate.

Due to the listed features, the tank was the best choice for playing from hills and shelters, which had a bad effect on the variety of vehicles in battle.

The armor of the rangefinder area will be reduced and the gun’s rate of fire will be reduced.

Changes have been made to the collision model and armor scheme of the tank. The rangefinder area adjacent to the turret was previously a screen and did not receive damage when penetrated. After the change, damage will be dealt to this zone when pierced according to the usual rules. The zone armor was changed from 44.5 mm to 230 mm.

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