Return to World of Tanks and Enjoy the Benefits!

  • 14 days of WoT Premium Account for completing the first Stage
  • Enticing discounts on researchable vehicles
  • A Warm-Up mode with AI-driven opponents
  • A bunch of national blueprint fragments, rental Tier VIII Premium vehicles, and other bonuses

If it’s been quite some time since you last commanded your tank, now is the perfect moment to return to the fray! If you have fought over 1,000 Random Battles on your account but haven’t graced the battlefield in the last 180 days, we’ve got something special for you: Back in Action Progression! It features:

Reignite your passion for World of Tanks—explore all the latest vehicle lines and discover what you’ve been missing out on!

Back in Action: Progression Summary

  • Back in Action is automatically activated for all returning players when they log in to the game.
  • Eligibility requirements:
  • Player has fought over 1,000 Random Battles
  • Player has not logged in to the game in the last 180+ days
  • Account is not suspended or pending deletion
  • A special Warm-Up mode will also be available. In this mode, you can fight with other players who have returned and/or AI-controlled allies against a team of AI-driven opponents.
  • Complete standard daily, bonus, and Premium missions in Random Battles (including Grand Battles) and the Warm-Up mode. Each completed mission earns you one Point, which counts toward Progression.
  • The Progression consists of three consecutive Stages. To complete them all, you need to earn 45 Points (i.e., complete 45 missions) over any number of battles.
  • For each completed daily, bonus, or Premium mission, you instantly get its standard reward. Plus, after earning a certain number of points, you receive an additional reward, which may include:
    • 14 Days of WoT Premium Account
    • Rental Tier VIII Premium vehicles
    • Free researchable Tier VI vehicles
    • Discounts on the research and purchase cost of Tier VII–X vehicles in three Tech Trees

Complete Missions to Get Free Vehicles and Tech Tree Discounts!

Each of the three Progression Stages will focus on a specific Tech Tree. The first and second vehicle lines are pre-selected—these are Japanese and the new Polish tank destroyers. In the third part of the Progression, the choice of Tech Tree is up to you, so select the vehicle branch you find most enjoyable!

As you earn Progression Points and move from milestone to milestone, you’ll earn rewards (on top of the standard rewards for completing daily, bonus, and Premium missions). The reward pool includes 14 days of WoT Premium Account, seven-day rental for Tier VIII Premium vehicles, free researchable Tier VI vehicles with all modules researched, a crew trained to 100%, and a Garage slot. But most importantly, you can get discounts on the research and purchase cost of Tier VII–X vehicles in the three Tech Trees.

If you have already fully researched the Tech Trees of the first two Stages, then instead of discounts on the research and purchase costs, you will get national (Japanese and Polish) blueprint fragments. The number of blueprint fragments depends on the vehicle tier.

After you complete the Progression, you will have 30 days to redeem your rewards.

You’ll be able to earn Battle Pass Points while playing Back in Action.

Warm-Up: Refresh Your Skills in Battles Against AI-Driven Enemies!

Want to brush up on firing lines, suggested routes, and enemy behavior? Jump into the Warm-Up mode where you can fight against AI-driven opponents. Your battles in this mode will not be included in your statistics, so you can relax and play to recall the core gameplay mechanics. Warm-Up will be available for seven battles and can be disabled in the mode selector.


General Rules

  • Daily, bonus, and Premium missions (the Back in Action Progression) are available.
  • Personal and Clan Reserves can be used in battles.
  • Battle Pass Progression is available.
  • Personal Missions, battle achievements, Marks of Excellence, and progression decals are unavailable.
  • Platoons are not allowed.
  • Earning bonds is not possible.

Battles in Warm-Up will take place on the following set of Random Battle maps:

List of Maps

  • Lakeville
  • Mannerheim Line
  • Mines
  • Ruinberg
  • Steppes
  • Abbey

Welcome back, Commanders! Action-packed battles and Tech Tree discounts are waiting for you!

6 thoughts on “Return to World of Tanks and Enjoy the Benefits!

  1. clearly the player numbers are healthy, and definitely not dropping in such numbers that wg has to do shit like this.

    1. Same here. Other than Frontline, I only play some special modes. I started in 2011, and by 2021, I was absolutely sick of playing Randoms. Now the only time I ever end up in a Random match is where I accidentally click Battle Button without switching to the special/Frontline mode first. Randoms are total trash nowadays and you have to play 5 battles before you get one decent one which doesn’t end in a turbo rofl-stomp for one side.

        1. i agree
          but if you manage to pay for premium account and buy premium tanks , nobody would give a fuck that you do not play
          open your wallets to WG make the game continue the path you dislike with your hard working cash

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