WoT EU: Unofficial Auction Results of the Maneuvers Event

Unofficial results of the EU Winter Maneuvers:
• Min. bid was: ~42,000 bonds

No one has provided any official data on the event, because the developers gave up on everything a long time ago, so WOT Express is publishing an approximate past bet.

Don’t forget to exchange your Maneuver token for a tank before April 8, 2024 11:00 (GMT+3)!

4 thoughts on “WoT EU: Unofficial Auction Results of the Maneuvers Event

  1. On EU minimum winning bid was 40900 I think as I have read on Reddit or Discord.

    One of may clan teammates won the bid with 41k.

  2. WoT Express are really behaving like little bitches these days, they literally took info from discord/reddit and made a post like its ground breaking news.

    1. That just proves they only ever got wot ru news now their source is gone no EU news to report

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