WoT Supertest – Detailed Parameter Changes Of Pz.Kpfw. VII, AMX 50 Foch B, Super Conqueror, Minotauro

Pz.Kpfw. VII (Germany, Tier-10, HT, techtree). Changes regarding basis 1.24.

• Aiming time: from 2.49 to 2.21 sec
• Accuracy at 100 m: from 0.35 to 0.32
• Armor penetration of 1 (AP) projectile: from 258 to 276 mm
• Armor penetration of 1 (AP) projectile at 500m: from 238 to 254 mm
• Armor penetration of 2 (APCR) projectiles: from 315 to 325 mm
• Armor penetration of 2 (APCR) projectiles at 500m: from 270 to 280 mm

• Engine power: from 1,200 to 1,350 hp
• Specific power: from 10.00 to 11.25 hp/t

Super Conqueror (Great Britain, Tier-10, techtree). Changes regarding basis 1.24.

• Cost of repairing tank: from 23,760 to 22,770 credits
• Gun loading: from 8.34 to 9.20 sec
• Gun rate of fire: from 7.19 to 6.52
• Average damage per minute with 1 (AP) projectile: from 2,877 to 2,608
• Average damage per minute 2 (APCR) of a projectile: from 2,877 to 2,608
• Average damage per minute 3 (HE) projectile: from 3,704 to 3,357
• Tank durability/HP: from 2,400 to 2,300

AMX 50 Foch B (France, Tier-10, TD, techtree). Changes regarding basis 1.24.

• Aiming time: from 2.21 to 2.01 sec
• Dispersion after shot: from 4.00 to 3.00
• Dispersion from movement (max.): from 0.16 (8.00) to 0.13 (6.50)
• Dispersion from chassis rotation (max.): from 0.16 (5.01) to 0.13 (4.07)
• Dispersion from gun rotation (max.): from 0.14 (3.80) to 0.10 (2.71)
• Max. reverse speed: from 13 to 17 km/h
• Engine power: from 1,000 to 1,250 hp
• Specific power: from 17.80 to 22.25 hp/t

Controcarro 3 Minotauro (Italy, Tier-10, TD, techtree). Changes regarding basis 1.24.

• Cost of repairing tank: from 23,100 to 22,000 credits
• Dispersion from movement (max.): from 0.20 (6.00) to 0.15 (4.50)
• Dispersion from chassis rotation (max.): from 0.10 (2.50) to 0.15 (4.69)
• Initial flight speed of projectile 2 (HEAT): from 1,256 to 950 m/s
• Tank durability/HP: from 2,100 to 2,000
• Engine power: from 700 to 780 hp
• Specific power: from 12.17 to 13.57 hp/t
• Chassis traverse speed: from 25.03 to 31.29 deg/s

The clones for the modes have similar changes: AMX 50 Foch B 7v7, Controcarro 3 7×7.

4 thoughts on “WoT Supertest – Detailed Parameter Changes Of Pz.Kpfw. VII, AMX 50 Foch B, Super Conqueror, Minotauro

  1. I mean, Foch B gets the “old” engine back and what about Foch 155?

    Overall the rest looks decent. Never been a (fanatic) lover of S.Conq

    1. they did, and they buffed the Panzer 7’s mantlet too; just not listed in these changes. Not sure what the numbers are for the Pz7 but supposedly the hatch on the Mino’s turret got halved in armor thickness (from the 170-whatever it has now to about 80 or something)

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