The Similarities Between WW2 Tanks and High-Security Bank Vaults

Even though tanks and vaults serve very different purposes, they both utilise advanced engineering techniques to ensure both durability and resistance. There are also several parallel design elements, including being made out of steel with casings that can be up to 12 mm in thickness. Both use reinforced materials to withstand the elements, whether it is a natural disaster or artillery fire from enemy troops.

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Bank Vaults are Now More Secure and Reliable

Vault walls tend to be made out of steel rods, concrete and additives to give extra strength to the materials used.  Historically, the material used in bank vaults was similar to that used in construction work. Modern bank vaults on the other hand are made out of modular concrete panels with a blend of additives for extreme strength, They’ve been manufactured to withstand crushing, with the material, which is often only 7.62cm thick, able to withstand pressure 10 times more than an 18-inch thick formula cement block. Bank vaults, because of their security, have often been the target of heist movies. Other portrayals in the media include slots like Action Bank, which although lighthearted, showcases the fact that vaults are perceived to be impenetrable. 

Tanks, due to engineering advancements have also undergone change at a huge scale. Steel advancements have facilitated better tank construction, and like bank vaults, this has led to a more secure product that is easier to replicate on a mass scale.

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Tanks have Undergone Remarkable Changes 

As time has gone on, tanks have become more reliable, and can now be manufactured in great numbers. In 1918, tanks were a common element on British battlefields, with 2,600 of them deployed. France began the development of tanks around 1915, with the Renault FT light tank. This was the first to use a rotating turret, which has been the basis of tank design ever since. During WW2, these tanks were the standard, however, German forces often lagged behind. 

They used British and French tanks for research purposes, before developing the A7V tank, even though the design was complex and the tank itself was a revolutionary marvel at the time, only 20 of them were produced. A lot of tank development came down to the creation and general availability of the first internal combustion engine. You also had armour plates and the continuous track, which helped to eliminate issues with trench warfare. The name “tank” actually came from Britain, with them trying to secure the secrecy of the new weapon. They did so under the guise of water tanks. 

In WW2, they were an integral part of the war, as countries rushed to make them in an attempt to outpace the competition. As time went on, more and more designs were made with each country putting their own stamp on the design to cater to their needs on the battlefield.

Both tanks and bank vaults have undergone some remarkable changes in the past, and a lot of the time they have helped to facilitate the production of new engineering techniques. This includes the use of new materials, as well as ways to shape and refine those materials to get the desired result.

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