As we continue our rebalance work, we’ve identified four Tier X vehicles that require adjustments. Some have become excessively dominant over time, while others are less popular and need updates to their stats. By fine-tuning their characteristics, we aim to address imbalances and make your gameplay experience more enjoyable.
Surrounding vehicles
We’ll also make similar adjustments to Tier VIII–IX vehicles in the Minotauro’s branch to ensure consistency.
Its turret is relatively straightforward and lacks obvious weak points. So, instead of making the turret less armored, which could expose it to widespread penetration, we’ll:
- Weaken the armor of the hull’s upper plate
- Increase the chassis traverse speed and dispersion from the chassis rotation
- The
This vehicle is known for its tough turret armor. To preserve its gameplay hallmarks, we’ll slightly reduce the armor of the lower hull plate. This will result in a decrease in the number of ricochets and non-penetrations. We’ll also slightly increase dispersion during the chassis traverse.
We’re confident these balance changes will create a more enjoyable gaming environment. Stay tuned and roll out!
Amazing such iterative changes takes WG an age to implement. Basically these are all the changes for the first half of the year… What about the changes they promised in 2023… The IS3 line never saw any buffs… a lot of old obsolete premiums are just forgotten… While everyone at WG is designing new loot box art or TMNT collab art.
Couldnt agree more, small tuning iterations cant be that difficult. Also RU Server, although making some questionable changes, is way better in that regard. Shame
WG have no motivation.
Because players buy whatever shit WG sell.
yes, its literally this.
One wonders why it took WG years to buff Pz VII while they addressed the issues with VK 72.01 H much earlier. Maybe because VK is a clan reward? Still happy Pz is getting some love though, I hope the changes will make it more competitive.
Good changes! However, too little and too late… I remember when I started playing it back in 2015. It was so much fun! Shamefully, it turned into a tier 8 premium fiesta, especially that Frontline event. It’s been more than 2 months since I heavily started playing War Thunder and I have no reason or motivation to come back… Most likely, as the rumours say, WoT will enter in a stagnation (only maintenance) phase in 2025 and the company will just focus on the new CW Project. Guess everything has an ending…
Same, i also switched to WarThunder and have no intention of coming back
Why are you even here for and why comment then??
Fuck off back to war thunder you biden pedo
Morganator, like any other WoT veteran (who probably put heavy money into the game), is curios about every single change WG comes up with. It’s very hard to invest money, but most importantly, TIME into a hobby and seeing how that hobby is degrading patch after patch…
You may not understand because you may be new. For example, many War Thunder players complain about their game, gameplay, state etc. However, for a new War Thunder player, like me and Morganator, those bad facts may not be acknowledged. Same goes for you and WoT. You may find WoT extremely cool and entartaining, till you know a good portion of WoT. After that, you will complain as well and be overwhelmed with disappointment.
PS1 Your disappointment will be at its highest when you fire a 183 mm shell from FV4005 to an EBR enemy and the shell will magically get blocked by its wheels. Really?! A small 183 mm nuke getting blocked?! After that, not only did you spend 8.000 on that HESH shot, but you will also have to wait for like 22 seconds to reload the gun. Meanwhile, others will farm enemy targets and you will finish the battle with little or nothing at all. Till then, enjoy WoT as much as possible!
PS2 There are two HUGE problemes:
1) Not powerful premiums, but OP ones, that ruin both matchmaking and fun! Good luck fighting alone a BZ-176, Skoda T 56, Bourrasque and so on. Oh, you will say you and other teammates will flank. Let’s be real and say teamwork is a VERY RARE thing in WoT!
2) That RNG stupid mechanic is as detrimental to the game as my first point. It’s not about missing pixel shots, but missing a fully exposed enemy after you stop your tank to fully aim. The longer the reload, the angrier you will get, trust me!