WoT 1.23.1: Changes To Object 590, Object 452K, ISU-122-2, BZ-72-1, Type 4 Ju-To

(USSR, Tier-8, TD, premium, mechanics of double-barreled guns). Change from basis 1.23.
* The tank is completely ready for release.
• Removed tank tags: “Secret” and “Testing”.
• Tank price in 💰gold: from 100 to 7,950

(China, Tier-10, HT, promotional, mechanics: rocket boosters). Change from basis 1.23.
* The tank is completely ready for release.
• Removed tank tags: “Secret” and “Testing”.
• Tank price in gold: from 100 to 22,500

Object 590 (USSR, Tier-9, MT, magazine for 3 shells with reverse reloading, premium). Change from basis 1.23.
* The tank is completely ready for release.
• The tank class has been changed: from “Promotional” to “Premium”.
• Added tank tag: “Earning bonds”
• Removed tank tags: “Secret”, “Unique” and “Testing”.
• Tank price in gold: from 100 to 10,950

Object 452K
(USSR, Tier-10, HT, promotional). Change from basis 1.23.
* The tank is completely ready for release.
• Removed tank tags: “Secret” and “Testing”.
• Tank price in gold: from 100 to 22,500

Type 4 Ju-To
(Japan, Tier-7, techtree). Change relative to the second iteration of the general test 1.23.1
• Crew: Commander; Driver; Radio operator; Gunner; Loader.
Order changed to:
Commander; Gunner; Driver; Radio operator; Loader.

12 thoughts on “WoT 1.23.1: Changes To Object 590, Object 452K, ISU-122-2, BZ-72-1, Type 4 Ju-To

  1. So Object 590 will be a full premium, not a reward/gift tank like e.g. Object 283. Gold price is also fairly low for a Tier 9 (some Tier 8 premiums cost more).

    Really looks like an auction tank or something they’ll shove in some lootboxes.

      1. Object has a fixed gold price of 10950, which is comparable to the price of some Tier 8 premiums, I meant that. Of course WG being greed-obsessed as they are they’ll make everyone overpay to get the tank, the trend started when they completely ditched direct sale and moved to marathons and then the lootbox cancer. Next there’s only a random chance to get lootboxes which have a random chance to drop something.

    1. @Pelican, you mean, ruining the game that you love to play, because you want to play broken tanks and that is all you care about.

      1. Yea cuz punishing gronks like yourself it’s just so funny people take this drinking game too seriously

      1. Hi man! What is your configuration on the tank and how do you play it so well? I have it too and I miss a lot of my shots sometimes. I played it a bit over 100 battles and didn’t even got my first mark on it yet.

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