Based on the testing results, we’re applying changes to Michelangelo, Independence, Yorktown and Essex.

Italian Cruiser Michelangelo, Tier IX

  • Reload time of the 90mm secondary guns increased from 3.2s to 3.5 s.
  • Detectability range by Sea increased: From 12.8km to 13.5 km.
    • Other detectability ranges were increased accordingly.
  • Changed the parameters of the “Exhaust Smoke Generator” consumable:
    • Action time reduced from 45s to 40 s.
    • Cooldown increased from 120s to 150 s.

American Aircraft Carriers Independence, Tier VI, Yorktown, Tier VIII and Essex, Tier X

  • Removed the preparation time for tactical attack aircraft and dive bomber squadrons at the start of the battle. They will now be ready to use immediately at the start of the battle.

WoT – Elite Levels: Show Off Your Experience Before the Battle Even Begins!

Every Commander has their favorite vehicles. They may be fully decorated with progressive decals and have the rarest awards, but you still enjoy playing them as much as you did the very first time. So how can you display your immense experience in these vehicles when they’re already at their best? That’s where the Elite Levels system comes in!

Continue reading “WoT – Elite Levels: Show Off Your Experience Before the Battle Even Begins!”

WoT Supertest: ARMT Changes

ARMT (USA, Tier-5, MT, premium, mechanics: autoloader with 3 shells)

• Tank repair cost: from 1,680 to 1,600 credits
• Intraclip reload: from 2.00 to 2.50 sec
• Gun rate of fire: from 8.72 to 8.32
• Dispersion from turret traverse (max.): from 0.20 (9.00) to 0.23 (10.35)
• Dispersion from hull traverse (max.): from 0.20 (8.34) to 0.23 (9.60)
• Average damage per minute of 1 (AP) projectile: from 1,003 to 956
• Average damage per minute 2 (APCR) projectile: from 1,003 to 956
• Average damage per minute 3 (HE) projectile: from 1,613 to 1,539

Continue reading “WoT Supertest: ARMT Changes”